All Classes and Interfaces

Indicates that the annotated method is an accessor for a non-visible field.
ActivityController provides low-level APIs to control activity's lifecycle.
Instruments the Android jars
Maps calls to Cleaner, which moved between Java 8 and 9: sun.misc.Cleaner.create() -> new java.lang.ref.Cleaner().register() sun.misc.Cleaner.clean() -> java.lang.ref.Cleaner.Cleanable().clean()
Intercepts calls to libcore-extensions to FileDescriptor.
AndroidInterceptor for NioUtils.freeDirectBuffer.
AndroidInterceptor for Reference.refersTo which is not available until JDK 16.
Intercepts calls to methods in Socket not present in the OpenJDK.
AndroidInterceptor for System.logE and System.logW.
A wrapper for an Android App Manifest, which represents information about one's App to an Android system.
Data related to Android tests.
Sandbox simulating an Android device.
Adapter from Sdk to ResourceLoader.
Provides a mechanism for tests to inject a different AndroidTestEnvironment.
Android-specific rules for matching shadow classes and methods by SDK level.
Utility access method to allow robolectric to instantiate AndroidVersions without cluttering code completion for users of AndroidVersions's embedded Types of one per Android Releases.
Android versioning is complicated.
1) There is a yearly letter release with an increasing of one alpha step each year A-> B, B-> C, and so on.
Representation of an android release, one that has occurred, or is expected.
A released version of Android
An in-development version of Android
Version: 4.1
ShortCode: J
SDK API Level: 16
release: true
Version: 4.2
ShortCode: JMR1
SDK API Level: 17
release: true
Version: 4.3
ShortCode: JMR2
SDK API Level: 18
release: true
Version: 4.4
ShortCode: K
SDK API Level: 19
release: true
Version: 5.0
ShortCode: L
SDK API Level: 21
release: true
Version: 5.1
ShortCode: LMR1
SDK API Level: 22
release: true
Version: 6.0
ShortCode: M
SDK API Level: 23
release: true
Version: 7.0
ShortCode: N
SDK API Level: 24
release: true
Release: 7.1
ShortCode: NMR1
SDK Framework: 25
release: true
Release: 8.0
ShortCode: O
SDK API Level: 26
release: true
Release: 8.1
ShortCode: OMR1
SDK API Level: 27
release: true
Release: 9.0
ShortCode: P
SDK API Level: 28
release: true
Release: 10.0
ShortCode: Q
SDK API Level: 29
release: true
Release: 11.0
ShortCode: R
SDK API Level: 30
release: true
Release: 12.0
ShortCode: S
SDK API Level: 31
release: true
Release: 12.1
ShortCode: Sv2
SDK API Level: 32
release: true
Release: 13.0
ShortCode: T
SDK API Level: 33
release: true
Potential Release: 14.0
ShortCode: U
SDK API Level: 34
release: false
Version: -1
ShortCode: ""
SDK API Level: ""
release: false
Potential Release: 15.0
ShortCode: V
SDK API Level: 34+
release: false
Native methods for AnimatedImageDrawable JNI registration.
Native methods for AnimatedVectorDrawable JNI registration.
A global cache for ApkAssets (framework and app resources).
The cache key for this cache.
Mediates loading of "APKs" in legacy mode.
Class to build AppWidgetProviderInfo
Builder for AssociationInfo.
Factory to create AttestedKeyPair.
Builder of AttributeSets.
Builder for AudioDeviceInfo.
Builder for AudioProfile.
Indicates that the annotated type will be used as a factory.
Utility class for running code off the main looper thread aka Robolectric test thread.
use LooperMode.Mode.INSTRUMENTATION_TEST instead
Annotation for test methods that need to be executed in a background thread.
Represents a key value pair in ShadowBackupDataInput and ShadowBackupDataOutput.
Builder for a BackupDataInput object.
Factory for instances of BackupDataOutput.
Builder for BarringInfo.
Native methods for BaseCanvas JNI registration.
Use MatrixCursor instead.
Native methods for BaseRecordingCanvas JNI registration.
Native methods for BitmapFactory JNI registration.
Native methods for Bitmap JNI registration.
Native methods for BitmapShader JNI registration.
Native methods for BlendModeColorFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for BlurMaskFilter JNI registration.
Stores a sparsely populated array.
Class that returns iterators for a given path.
Native methods for Canvas JNI registration.
Native methods for CanvasProperty JNI registration.
Builder for CellIdentityLte.
Builder for CellIdentityNr.
Builder for CellInfoLte.
Builder for CellInfoNr.
A more lightweight variant of MutableClass.
This interface is used by Robolectric when instrumented classes are created and interacted with.
Factory interface for ClassHandler.
Instruments (i.e.
Parameters with types that can't be resolved at compile time may be annotated @ClassName.
Wrapper for Cleaner, used by AndroidInterceptors.CleanerInterceptor when running on Java 9+.
Rule for failing tests that leave any CloseGuards open.
Native methods for ColorFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for ColorMatrixColorFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for Color JNI registration.
Native methods for BitmapFactory JNI registration.
Native methods for ComposePathEffect JNI registration.
Native methods for ComposeShader JNI registration.
Configuration settings that can be used on a per-class or per-test basis.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @Config annotation.
transliterated from
Provide an implementation of javax.inject.Provider<Config>.
Holds configuration objects for the current test, computed using Configurer.
Strategy for configuring individual tests.
Heterogeneous typesafe collection of configuration objects managed by their Configurer.
Provides configuration data for tests.
Annotation for Conscrypt modes in Robolectric.
Specifies the different supported Conscrypt modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @ConscryptMode annotation.
Indicates that the annotated method is a constructor.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Native methods for CornerPathEffect JNI registration.
Native methods for CursorWindow JNI registration.
Native methods for DashPathEffect JNI registration.
Opaque class for uniquely identifying a media data source, as used by ShadowMediaPlayer, ShadowMediaMetadataRetriever, and ShadowMediaExtractor
Transform a FileDescriptor to a string.
Resource type codes.
Loads the Robolectric native runtime.
Default implementation of RequestDirector.
Robolectric's default SdkPicker.
Robolectric's default SdkProvider.
The default TestLifecycle used by Robolectric.
Provides mapping between a Maven coordinate (e.g.
Checks for the deprecated methods.
Supports device configuration for Robolectric tests.
Standard sizes for the screen size qualifier.
Factory for DevicePolicyState
Builder for DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap which was introduced in Android T.
Indicates that the annotated method should use the original $$robo$$-prefixed implementation so that it can be invoked in the shadow for the method.
Native methods for DiscretePathEffect JNI registration.
Describes the characteristics of a particular logical display.
Indicates that a class should not be stripped/instrumented under any circumstances.
Builder for DragEvent.
Holds the shared library ID table.
Native methods for EmbossMaskFilter JNI registration.
Builder for EmergencyNumber.
Factory for EnforcingAdmin
Allows tests to assert about the presence of log messages, and turns logged errors that are not explicitly expected into test failures.
Marks a component of Robolectric that may be replaced with a custom implementation.
Collection of static methods used interact with HTTP requests / responses.
Native methods for$Builder JNI registration.
Native methods for$Builder JNI registration.
Native methods for the deprecated JNI registration.
Native methods for JNI registration.
Native methods for JNI registration.
Native methods for JNI registration.
Indicates that the annotated interface is an accessor object for use by Reflector.
Validator that checks usages of Implements.
Native Fragments have been deprecated in Android P.
Class to build FrameMetrics
Use Path instead.
Interface defining a function object.
Base class for code generators.
A Configurer annotation for controlling how Robolectric executes PackageManager#getInstallerPackageName method.
Specifies the different ShadowApplicationPackageManager#getInstallerPackageName modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @GetInstallerPackageNameMode annotation.
Provides the default config for a test.
Use GnssStatus.Builder instead where possible.
Information about a single satellite in a GnssStatus.
A Configurer annotation for controlling which graphics shadow implementation is used for the package.
Specifies the different supported graphics modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @GraphicsMode annotation.
A ShadowPicker that selects between shadows given the Graphics mode.
Native methods for HardwareRenderer JNI registration.
Native methods for ImageDecoder JNI registration.
Helper class to provide hardware rendering-based screenshot to ShadowPixelCopy and ShadowUiAutomation.
Matches implementations of the given interface.
Indicates that the annotated method is hidden in the public Android API.
Robolectric's default ConfigurationStrategy.
Timeout exception thrown when idling resources are not idle for longer than the configured timeout.
Native methods for ImageDecoder JNI registration.
Native methods for ImageReader JNI registration.
Native methods for ImageReader JNI registration.
Image information descriptor.
Indicates that a method declaration is intended to shadow a method with the same signature on the associated Android class.
Validator that checks usages of Implementation.
Indicates that a class declaration is intended to shadow an Android class declaration.
An interface used as the default for the picker param.
Validator that checks usages of Implements.
Supported modes for validation of Implementation methods against SDKs.
InDevelopment applies to @Implementation methods and @Implements classes that are affected by changes in unreleased versions of Android.
A tiny dependency injection and plugin helper for Robolectric.
Builder for Injector.
Identifies an injection point.
Executor service that executes posted tasks as soon as they are posted.
Indicates that a class should always be instrumented regardless of its package.
Configuration rules for SandboxClassLoader.
Marker interface used by Robolectric to indicate that an interface has been instrumented
ClassWriter implementation that verifies classes by comparing type information obtained from loading the classes as resources.
Native methods for Interpolator JNI registration.
The invoke-dynamic case has been moved to ClassInstrumentor.
A class that gets instrumented by both Robolectric (for shadowing) and Jacoco.
Runs Robolectric invokedynamic instrumentation on an android-all jar.
Primarily used by the Robolectric Chrome extension for Robolectric docs alongside of Android SDK docs.
Utility class used to join strings together with a delimiter.
A Configurer annotation that dictates whether or not Robolectric should lazily instantiate the Application under test.
Whether or not the Application should be lazily loaded
A Configurer that reads the LazyApplication to dictate whether Robolectric should lazily instantiate the Application under test (as well as the test Instrumentation).
Robolectric's historical dependency resolver (which is currently still the default), which is used by DefaultSdkProvider to locate SDK jars.
Creates a PackageInfo from a AndroidManifest
Native methods for LightingColorFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for LinearGradient JNI registration.
Native methods for LineBreaker JNI registration.
An ActivityInvoker that drives Activity lifecycles manually.
A Robolectric implementation for ControlledLooper.
A PermissionGranter that runs on a local JVM with Robolectric.
A UiController that runs on a local JVM with Robolectric.
Logger for Robolectric.
A foreground Scheduler implementation used for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED.
A Configurer annotation for controlling Robolectric's Looper behavior.
Specifies the different supported Looper modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @LooperMode annotation.
A factory that detects what build system is in use and provides a ManifestFactory that can create an AndroidManifest for that environment.
Native methods for MaskFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for Matrix JNI registration.
Class responsible for fetching artifacts from Maven.
This class is mainly responsible for fetching Android framework JAR dependencies from MavenCentral.
Encapsulates some parts of a Maven artifact.
This method of configuration will be removed in a forthcoming release.
Don't put more stuff here.
Native methods for MeasuredText.Builder JNI registration.
Native methods for MeasuredText JNI registration.
Builder for MediaCodecInfo.
Metadata for perf stats collection.
Reference to a specific method on a class.
Metric for perf stats collection.
Builder for ModuleInfo as ModuleInfo has hidden constructors, this builder class has been added as a way to make custom ModuleInfo objects when needed.
Marker interface for InputStream that need special handling.
Native methods for NativeAllocationRegistry JNI registration.
Java representation of framework native system headers Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27) frameworks/native/include/android/Input.h
Transliteration of native BitSet64.
Java representation of framework native input Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27) frameworks/native/include/input/Input.h and libs/input/Input.cpp
Native methods for NativeInterpolatorFactory JNI registration.
A unique id per object registry.
Loads the Robolectric native runtime.
Builder class to create instance of NetworkRegistrationInfo.
Factory to create NetworkSpecifier types that are hidden on certain SDK levels.
Native methods for NinePatch JNI registration.
Class to build NrQosSessionAttributes.
Provides cached access to robolectric-properties files, for all your configuration needs!
A ResourceTable for a single package, e.g: "android" / ox01
Builder for PackageRollbackInfo as PackageRollbackInfo has hidden constructors, this builder class has been added as a way to make custom PackageRollbackInfo objects when needed.
Native methods for Paint JNI registration.
A Parameterized test runner for Robolectric.
Annotation for fields of the test class which will be initialized by the method annotated by Parameters
By using directly this annotation, the test class constructor isn't needed.
Index range must start at 0.
Annotation for a method which provides parameters to be injected into the test class constructor by Parameterized
Native methods for PathDashPathEffect JNI registration.
Native methods for PathEffect JNI registration.
Native methods for PathMeasure JNI registration.
Native methods for Path JNI registration.
Native methods for PathParser JNI registration.
Executor service that queues any posted tasks.
Collects performance statistics for later reporting via PerfStatsReporter.
Runnable that throws an exception.
Supplier that throws an exception.
Holds permission data from manifest.
Holds permission data from manifest.
A more advanced builder for PhoneAccount that gives access to some hidden methods on PhoneAccount.Builder.
Factory to create PhoneCapability.
Native methods for Picture JNI registration.
Factory for PolicyKey
Builder for PolicyState
A Factory class representing StringPolicyValue
Native methods for PorterDuffColorFilter JNI registration.
Native methods for PositionedGlyphs JNI registration.
Native methods for PropertyValuesHolder JNI registration.
This is incompatible with JDK17+.
Android qualifers as defined by
Native methods for RadialGradient JNI registration.
Class to build RangingSession
Shadow fields annotated @RealObject will have the real instance injected.
Validator that checks usages of RealObject.
Native methods for RecordingCanvas JNI registration.
Collection of helper methods for calling methods and accessing fields reflectively.
Typed parameter used with reflective method calls.
Provides accessor objects for efficiently calling otherwise inaccessible (non-public) methods.
Serves to cache the reflector object instance and lower test runtime.
Native methods for RegionIterator JNI registration.
Native methods for Region JNI registration.
Native methods for RenderEffect JNI registration.
Native methods for RenderNodeAnimator JNI registration.
Native methods for RenderNode JNI registration.
Indicates that the annotated method is used to reset static state in a shadow.
Validator that checks usages of Resetter.
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
Tracks resource ids and generates new unique values.
Utility class to that checks if a resource ID is a framework resource or application resource.
A provider of resources (à la ClassLoader).
Provides utilities to decode/encode a String packed in an arsc resource file.
Type of ResourceString to encode / decode.
Representation of a value in a resource, supplying type information.
Header that appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource.
Definition for a pool of strings.
Reference to a string in a string pool.
This structure defines a span of style information associated with a string in the pool.
A single name/value mapping that is part of a complex resource entry.
This is a reference to a unique entry (a ResTable_entry structure) in a resource table.
Extended XML tree node for start tags -- includes attribute information.
Extended XML tree node for element start/end nodes.
XML tree header.
Basic XML tree node.
Builder for ResponderLocation
Convenience class for accessing data in a ResStringPool resource.
Definition for a pool of strings.
Describes a particular resource configuration.
The different types of configs that can be present in a ResTable_config.
Robolectric implementation of CookieManager.
Use MatrixCursor instead.
only works when used in conjunction with the deprecated LooperMode.LEGACY mode.
A response cache that supports statistics tracking and updating stored responses.
Robolectric implementation of IntentSender.
Use AttributeSetBuilder instead.
GeneratorAdapter implementation specific to generate code for Robolectric purposes
Model describing the Robolectric source file.
Annotation processor entry point for Robolectric annotations.
Ensure Robolectric shadow's method marked with @Implementation is protected
Loads and runs a test in a SandboxClassLoader in order to provide a simulation of the Android runtime environment.
A FrameworkMethod subclass that contains data required to run Robolectric tests.
Performs thread checking when in INSTRUMENTAION_TEST Looper Mode where the test thread is distinct from the main thread.
Robolectric implementation of Menu.
Robolectric implementation of MenuItem.
A Robolectric instrumentation that acts like a slimmed down MonitoringInstrumentation with only the parts needed for Robolectric.
Where the HTTP client should look for a response.
Don't put more stuff here.
Robolectric implementation of SplashScreen.
Robolectric implementation of SubMenu.
Robolectric implementation of WebMessagePort.
Robolectric implementation of WebSettings.
Builder for RollbackInfo as RollbackInfo has hidden constructors, this builder class has been added as a way to make custom RollbackInfo objects when needed.
Defines a rectangle with rounded corners, where the sizes of the corners are potentially different.
Native methods for RuntimeShader JNI registration.
Class loader that modifies the bytecode of Android classes to insert calls to Robolectric's shadow classes.
Configuration settings that can be used on a per-class or per-test basis.
Manager of sandboxes.
Factory interface for AndroidSandbox.
Sandbox test runner that runs each test in a sandboxed class loader environment.
Scheduler APIs only function when using LooperMode.LEGACY.
Describes the current state of a Scheduler.
Represents a unique build of the Android SDK.
Holds and provides details on the list of known SDKs.
use DefaultSdkPicker instead.
A provider of known instances of Sdk.
Encapsulates a collection of Android framework jars.
Builder for SensorEvent.
Holds parsed service data from manifest.
Generator that creates the service loader metadata for a shadow package.
Builder class to create instance of ServiceState.
Native methods for Shader JNI registration.
Properties of AccessibilityNodeInfo that are normally locked may be changed using test APIs.
Shadow of AccessibilityService that tracks global actions and provides a mechanism to simulate the window list.
Represents a gesture that has been dispatched through the accessibility service.
Shadow of AccessibilityWindowInfo that allows a test to set properties that are locked in the original class.
Container object to hold an Intent, together with the requestCode used in a call to Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
Class to holds details of a startIntentSenderForResult request.
Class to hold overridden activity transition details after calling Activity.overrideActivityTransition(int, int, int, int)
Class to hold a permissions request, including its request code.
Shadow for ActivityManager
Builder class for ApplicationExitInfo
Accessor interface for ActivityThread's internals.
Accessor interface for ActivityThread.AppBindData's internals.
Shadow for AlarmManager.
Represents a set alarm.
Shadow implementation of AlwaysOnHotwordDetector.
Shadow for AsyncTask kicked off in the constructor of AlwaysOnHotwordDetector.
Shadow of AmbientContextManager
Shadow for AmbientDisplayConfiguration class.
Bridge between shadows and Animation.
Shadow of AppIntegrityManager
Shadow for AppOpsManager.
Class holding usage mode and excpetion packages.
Shadow for ApkAssets for Android P+
Shadow of AsyncQueryHandler, which calls methods synchronously.
The shadow API for AsyncTask.
The shadow API for AsyncTaskLoader.
Implements AudioEffect by shadowing its native methods.
Shadow AudioRecord which by default will fulfil any requests for audio data by completely filling any requested buffers.
Provides underlying data for the ShadowAudioRecord.
Shadow for AudioSystem.
Implementation of a couple methods in AudioTrack.
Listeners to be notified when data is written to an AudioTrack via AudioTrack.write(ByteBuffer, int, int)
Robolectric implementation of android.os.AutofillManager.
Shadow for BackdropFrameRenderer
Shadow for BackupDataInput.
Shadow for BackupDataOutput.
A stub implementation of BackupManager that instead of connecting to a real backup transport and performing restores, stores which packages are restored from which backup set, what the final result should be and can be verified using methods on the shadow like ShadowBackupManager.getPackageRestoreToken(String) and ShadowBackupManager.getPackageRestoreCount(String).
Extends BasicTagTechnology to allow for testing.
Bridge between shadow and Binder.
Provides testing APIs for BiometricManager
Base class for Bitmap shadows.
Reflector for Bitmap.
Shadow picker for Bitmap.
Shadow of BluetoothA2dp.
Shadow for BluetoothDevice.
Interceptor interface for BluetoothGatt objects.
Shadow for BluetoothFrameworkInitializer.
Shadow implementation of BluetoothGatt.
Shadow for BluetoothHeadset
Shadow implementation of BluetoothLeAdvertiser.
Adds Robolectric support for BLE scanning.
Encapsulates scan params passed to BluetoothAdapter startScan methods.
Shadow of BluetoothManager that makes the testing possible.
Shadow of BroadcastResponseStats for accessing hidden APIs.
Implementation of BugreportManager.
Robolectric test for Call.
Robolectric test for Call.RttCall.
Shadow for the system's CallLog.Call class that allows tests to configure the most recent call.
Shadow of the CamcorderProfile that allows the caller to add custom profile settings.
Shadows the Android Camera.Parameters class.
Shadow class for CameraCaptureSessionImpl
Shadow class for CameraDeviceImpl
Shadow class for CameraManager
Shadow class for internal class CameraManager$CameraManagerGlobal
Shadow class for CameraMetadataNative
Shadow class for CameraMetadataNative
Base class for Canvas shadow classes.
Shadow picker for Canvas.
Captures round rectangle drawing events
Shadow class for CaptureRequest.Builder.
Shadow of CaptureResult.
Shadow implementation of CardEmulation.
The shadow API for Choreographer.
Accessor interface for Choreographer's internals
Shadow for CloseGuard.
Shadow for ColorSpace.Rgb.
Shadow for CompanionDeviceManager.
Shadow for Compatability.
Shadow for Connection that represents a phone call or connection to a remote endpoint that carries voice and/or video traffic.
A Shadow for android.view.contentcapture.ContentCaptureManager added in Android R.
Shadow for ContentProvider.
A statement used to delete content in a ContentProvider.
A statement used to insert content into a ContentProvider.
A statement used to modify content in a ContentProvider.
A statement used to update content in a ContentProvider.
Shadow for ContextHubClient.
Shadow for ContextHubManager.
Reflector interface for ContextImpl's internals.
Robolectric implementation of CrossProfileApps.
The base shadow class for CursorWindow.
Shadow for DateUtils.
Decorator which adds Robolectric's shadowing behavior to a class.
Shadow implementation of dalvik.system.Dexfile.
It is possible to override some display properties using setters on ShadowDisplay.
Reflector interface for DisplayEventReceiver's internals.
Shadow for android.view.DisplayListCanvas from API versions M to R
For tests, display properties may be changed and devices may be added or removed programmatically.
Builder class for Display.Mode
Shadow implementation of DistanceMeasurementManager.
Value class to represent a "completed download" sent to DownloadManager using the addCompletedDownload APIs.
Fake dropbox manager that starts with no entries.
Implements DynamicsProcessing by relying on ShadowAudioEffect.
Shadow for EdgeEffect
Shadow for EGL14.
Class to build EventLog.Event
A shadow implementation of FileObserver that uses java.nio.file.WatchService.
Provides testing APIs for FingerprintManager
Shadow for FloatMath.
Shadow for Font for Android S
Shadow for Font.Builder
Shadow for FontFamily.
Shadow for FontFamily.Builder.
Fake implementation for Gainmap class.
Fake implementation of GLES20
Fake implementation of GLSurfaceView
Calls to static method of GoogleAuthUtil will be redirected to the provided ShadowGoogleAuthUtil.GoogleAuthUtilImpl implementation.
Class containing methods with same signatures of the static methods of GoogleAuthUtil
Calls to static method of GooglePlayServicesUtil will be redirected to the provided ShadowGooglePlayServicesUtil.GooglePlayServicesUtilImpl implementation.
Class containing methods with same signatures of the static methods of GooglePlayServicesUtil.
Shadow of android.hardware.HardwareBuffer.
Activates Hidl support
Shadow for ImageReader
Shadow for Image
Supports IMS by default.
Shadow for InCallAdapter.
Shadow for InCallService.
Shadow class for IncidentManager.
Shadow InetAddressUtils class that doesn't use native Libcore function.
Shadow for InputManager
Shadow for new InputManagerGlobal introduced in android U.
Shadow for InputMethodManager.
Handler for receiving PrivateCommands.
Handler for receiving soft input visibility changed event.
Intercepts calls to [InsetsController] to monitor system bars functionality (hide/show).
Reflector interface for Instrumentation's internals.
Extends IsoDep to allow for testing.
Shadow for KeyEvent.
An implementation of KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock, for use in tests.
Shadow of LauncherApps.
A AsyncTask shadow for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY.
The shadow AsyncTaskLoader for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY.
The Choreographer shadow for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED.
Legacy shadow for CursowWindow.
The shadow Looper implementation for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY.
The shadow Message for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY.
The shadow MessageQueue for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY.
The shadow only supports straight-line paths.
Shadow for SQLiteConnection that is backed by sqlite4java.
A shadow SystemClock for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY
Shadow for Typeface.
Shadow for Typeface.Builder
Implements OsConstants on APIs 20 and below.
Shadow for
Accessor interface for LoadedApk's internals.
Robolectric only supports en_US regardless of the default locale set in the JVM.
Shadow for LocaleList
Shadow of LocaleManager
Shadow for LocationManager.
ProviderProperties is not public prior to S, so a new class is required to represent it prior to that platform.
LocationRequest is not public prior to S, so a new class is required to represent it prior to those platforms.
Controls the behavior of Log and provides access to log messages.
A single log item.
The base shadow API class for controlling Loopers.
Shadow of MagnificationController.
Maps from instrumented class to shadow class.
ShadowMatcher is used by ShadowWrangler to provide library-specific rules about whether shadow classes and methods should be considered matches.
Shadow picker for Matrix.
A shadow implementation of MediaActionSound.
Implementation of MediaCodec which supports both asynchronous and synchronous modes.
Configuration that can be supplied to ShadowMediaCodec to simulate actual encoding/decoding.
A codec is implemented as part of the configuration to allow the ShadowMediaCodec to simulate actual encoding/decoding.
Shadows CodecBuffer to prevent attempting to free non-direct ByteBuffer objects.
Implementation of MediaCodecList.
Implementation of MediaController.
A shadow for the MediaExtractor class.
Implementation of MediaMuxer which directly passes input bytes to the specified file, with no modification.
Automated testing of media playback can be a difficult thing - especially testing that your code properly handles asynchronous errors and events.
Callback interface for clients that wish to be informed when a new MediaPlayer instance is constructed.
Possible behavior modes for the media player when a method is invoked in an invalid state.
Class specifying information for an emulated media object.
Provides a ShadowMediaPlayer.MediaInfo for a given DataSource.
Possible states for the media player to be in.
Shadow class for MediaRouter.
Shadow for MediaStore.
Shadow for MediaStore.Images.
Shadow for MediaStore.Video.
This is used by Android to load and inferFromValue time zone information.
Fork of ShadowMemoryMappedFile to adjust to changed package names of MemoryMappedFile in S.
The shadow API for Message.
The shadow Picker for this class
The shadow API for MessageQueue.
The shadow Picker for this class.
Shadow of MotionEvent.
No-op shadow for
Shadow for NativeAllocationRegistry that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for NativeAllocationRegistry.
Shadow for AnimatedImageDrawable that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for AnimatedImageDrawable.
Shadow for AnimatedVectorDrawable that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for AnimatedVectorDrawable.
Shadow for BaseCanvas that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BaseCanvas.
Shadow for BaseRecordingCanvas that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BaseRecordingCanvas.
Shadow for Bitmap that is backed by native code
Disable the legacy ShadowBitmapDrawable as it fakes the draw logic.
Shadow picker for BitmapDrawable.
Shadow for BitmapFactory that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BitmapFactory.
Shadow for BitmapShader that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BitmapShader.
Shadow for BlendModeColorFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BlendModeColorFilter.
Shadow for BlurMaskFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for BlurMaskFilter.
Shadow for Canvas that is backed by native code
Shadow for CanvasProperty that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for CanvasProperty.
Shadow for Color that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Color.
Shadow for ColorFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ColorFilter.
Shadow for ColorMatrixColorFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ColorMatrixColorFilter.
Shadow for ColorSpace.Rgb that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ColorSpace.Rgb.
Shadow for ColorSpace$Rgb$Native that contains native functions.
Shadow picker for ColorSpace.Native.
Shadow for ComposePathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ComposePathEffect.
Shadow for ComposeShader that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ComposeShader.
Shadow for CornerPathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for CornerPathEffect.
Shadow for CursorWindow that is backed by native code
Shadow for DashPathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for DashPathEffect.
Shadow for DiscretePathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for DiscretePathEffect.
Shadow for android.view.DisplayListCanvas that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for android.view.DisplayListCanvas.
Shadow for EmbossMaskFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for EmbossMaskFilter.
Shadow for Font that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Font.
Shadow for Font.Builder that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Font.Builder.
Shadow for FontFamily that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for FontFamily.
Shadow for FontFileUtil that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for FontFileUtil.
Shadow for FontFamily that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for FontFamily.
Shadow for FontFamily.Builder that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for FontFamily.Builder.
Shadow for HardwareRenderer that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for HardwareRenderer.
Shadow for HardwareRendererObserver that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for HardwareRendererObserver.
Shadow for ImageDecoder that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ImageDecoder.
Shadow for ImageReader that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ImageReader.
Shadow for ImageReader.SurfaceImage that is backed by native code.
Shadow picker for ImageReader.SurfaceImage.
Shadow for Interpolator that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Interpolator.
Shadow for LightingColorFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for LightingColorFilter.
Shadow for LinearGradient that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for LinearGradient.
Shadow for LineBreaker that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for LineBreaker.
Shadow for MaskFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for MaskFilter.
Shadow for Matrix that is backed by native code
Shadow for Matrix$ExtraNatives that contains native functions.
Shadow picker for Matrix.ExtraNatives.
Shadow for MeasuredParagraph that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for MeasuredParagraph.
Shadow for MeasuredText that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for MeasuredText.
Shadow for MeasuredText.Builder that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for MeasuredText.Builder.
Shadow for NativeInterpolatorFactory that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for NativeInterpolatorFactory.
Shadow for NinePatch that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for NinePatch.
Shadow for Paint that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Paint.
Shadow for Path that is backed by native code
Shadow for PathDashPathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PathDashPathEffect.
Shadow for PathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PathEffect.
Shadow for PathMeasure that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PathMeasure.
Shadow for PathParser that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PathParser.
Shadow for Picture that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Picture.
Shadow for PorterDuffColorFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PorterDuffColorFilter.
Shadow for PositionedGlyphs that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PositionedGlyphs.
Shadow for PropertyValuesHolder that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for PropertyValuesHolder.
Shadow for RadialGradient that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RadialGradient.
Shadow for RecordingCanvas that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RecordingCanvas.
Shadow for android.view.RecordingCanvas.
Shadow picker for android.view.RecordingCanvasOP.
Shadow for Region that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Region.
Shadow for RegionIterator that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RegionIterator.
Shadow for RenderEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RenderEffect.
Shadow for RenderNode that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RenderNode.
Shadow for RenderNodeAnimator that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RenderNodeAnimator.
Shadow for RenderNodeAnimator for Android Q and below that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RenderNodeAnimator.
Shadow for RenderNode that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RenderNode.
Shadow for RuntimeShader that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for RuntimeShader.
Shadow for Shader that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Shader.
Shadow for SQLiteConnection that is backed by native code
Shadow for android.database.sqlite.SQLiteRawStatement.
Shadow for StaticLayout that is backed by native code for Android O-P.
Shadow picker for StaticLayout.
Shadow for SumPathEffect that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for SumPathEffect.
Shadow for Surface that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for Surface.
Shadow for SweepGradient that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for SweepGradient.
Shadow for SystemFonts for the Robolectric native runtime.
Shadow picker for SystemFonts.
Shadow for TableMaskFilter that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for TableMaskFilter.
Shadow for TextRunShaper that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for MeasuredText.
Shadow for ThreadedRenderer that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for ThreadedRenderer.
Shadow for Typeface that is backed by native code
Shadow for Typeface.Builder.
Shadow picker for Typeface.Builder.
Shadow for VectorDrawable that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for VectorDrawable.
Shadow for VirtualRefBasePtr that is backed by native code
Shadow picker for VirtualRefBasePtr.
Robolectic provides overrides for fetching and updating transport.
Provides testing APIs for NetworkScoreManager.
Shadow implementation of NfcAdapter.
Shadow for new NfcFrameworkInitializer class in U.
Shadow for NativeAllocationRegistry that is a no-op.
Shadow implementation of NotificationListenerService.
Shadows for NotificationManager.
A Shadow for android.system.Os
Shadow for OverlayConfig.
Shadow of PackageBackwardCompatibility to handle a scenario that can come up when multiple Android versions end up on the classpath.
Shadow for PackageInstaller.
Shadow for PackageInstaller.Session.
Shadow for PackageInstaller.SessionInfo.
Settings for a particular package.
Accessor interface for PackageParser.Package's internals.
Shadow for PaintDrawable.
Robolectric's Parcel pretends to be backed by a byte buffer, closely matching Parcel's position, size, and capacity behavior.
Base class for ShadowPath classes.
Shadow picker for Path.
A AsyncTask shadow for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED
The shadow AsyncTaskLoader for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED.
A Choreographer shadow for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED.
The shadow Looper for and @link LooperMode.Mode.INSTRUMENTATION_TEST.
The shadow Message for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED.
The shadow MessageQueue} for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED
A shadow SystemClock used when LooperMode.Mode#PAUSED is active.
Shadow for Phone.
Shadow for PhoneWindow for APIs 23+
Shadow for the API 16-22
Shadow for PixelCopy that uses View.draw to create screenshots.
Shadow for Posix
Shadow of PowerManager
Shadow of PowerManager.LowPowerStandbyPortsLock to allow testing state.
Shadow for ThreadedRenderer.ProcessInitializer.
Shadow for PropertyValuesHolder that works around the ART/JVM differences of accessing methods.
Interface implemented by packages that provide shadows to Robolectric.
Generator that creates the "ShadowProvider" implementation for a shadow package.
The set of ShadowProvider implementations found on the classpath.
Shadow for private class PublicFormatUtils.
Shadow for RangingResult.
A builder for creating ShadowRangingResults.
Adds Robolectric support for UWB ranging.
Adapter interface for state change events, provided by the tester to dictate ranging results.
A shadow for RcsUceAdapter.
A data class holding the info for a failed capabilities exchange
Shadow for RenderNodeAnimator.
Copy of ShadowRenderNodeAnimator that reflects move of RenderNodeAnimator to in R
Utilities for ResolveInfo.
Shadow of Resources.
Listener callback that's called when the configuration is updated for a resources.
A shadow implementation of RingtoneManager.
A shadow implementation of RoleManager.
A Shadow for android.content.rollback.RollbackManager added in Android Q.
Shadow for RotationWatcher for API 23+
Shadow for RotationWatcher for API 16-22
Shadow mapper.
Shadow mapper.
Shadow mapper.
Shadow mapper.
Shadow for SafetyCenterManager.
Shadow of ShadowSecureElementService.SecureElementService
Provide fake SE applet behavior
Shadow for ServiceManager.
Shadow for Settings.Config.
A SharedMemory fake that uses a private temporary disk file for storage and Java's MappedByteBuffer for the memory mappings.
Placeholder container class for nested shadow class
Shadow of SliceManager.
Shadow of SoftKeyboardController.
A Shadow SoundTriggerManager in Android O+.
Robolectric shadow for SpeechRecognizer.
An interface to access direct functions/variables of an instance of SpeechRecognizer.
The state of a specific instance of ShadowSpeechRecognizer.
The base shadow class for SQLiteConnection shadow APIs.
Avoid calls to setIdleConnectionTimeout.
Robolectic doesn't provide actual filesystem stats; rather, it provides the ability to specify stats values in advance.
Shadow for android.text.StaticLayout
Shadow for StatsLog
Single atom log item for write api.
Robolectric implementation of StatusBarManager.
Fake implementation of StorageManager
Fake implementation of StorageStatsManager that provides a fake implementation of query for StorageStats of a package.
Builder class to create instance of SubscriptionInfo.
Shadow for Surface
Shadow for SurfaceControl
Shadow for new SurfaceSyncGroup introduced in android U.
Shadow for SurfaceTexture
Robolectric implementation of SurfaceHolder.
Shadow of SuspendDialogInfo to expose hidden methods.
The shadow API for SystemClock.
Accessor interface for's internals (for M).
Accessor interface for's internals (for N+).
Accessor interface for<T extends Object>'s internals.
Shadow for SystemVibrator.
Details about an outgoing call request made via TelecomManager.placeCall(, android.os.Bundle).
Shadow for internal Android TimeManager class introduced in S.
Shadow of TimeZoneFinder for Android O and P.
Shadow for TimeZoneFinder on Q after Developer Preview 1.
Shadow for TimeZoneFinder on S or above.
Shadow of ToneGenerator.
Stores data about a tone played by the ToneGenerator
Shadow implementation for Trace, which stores the traces locally in arrays (unlike the real implementation) and allows reading them.
AutoValue representation of a trace triggered by one of the async apis
Builder for traces triggered by one of the async apis
Counters emitted with the setCounter API
Builder for counters emitted with the setCounter API
Shadow for TranslationManager.
Shadow class for using MediaController.TransportControls in tests.
Base class for ShadowTypeface classes.
Contains data about a font.
Shadow picker for Typeface.
Shadow for UiAutomation.
Shadow for UiModeManager.
Builder for constructing UsageEvents.Event objects.
Usage session observer registered via UsageStatsManager#registerUsageSessionObserver(int, String[], long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit, PendingIntent, PendingIntent).
Builder for constructing UsageStats objects.
Robolectric implementation of UsbDeviceConnection.
Robolectric implementation of UsbManager.
Accessor interface for UsbManager's internals.
Accessor interface for UsbManager's internals (Q+).
Robolectric implementation of UsbRequest.
Robolectric implementation of UserManager.
Describes the current state of the user.
Adds Robolectric support for UWB adapter state listener methods.
Adds Robolectric support for UWB ranging.
A Shadow for added in Android S.
A data class for exposing VibrationEffect.Composition$PrimitiveEffect, which is a hidden non TestApi class introduced in Android R.
Reflector interface for ViewRootImpl's internals.
Shadow for VirtualDeviceManager.
Shadow for inner class VirtualDeviceManager.VirtualDevice.
Shadow for VirtualInputDevice.
Shadow for VirtualKeyboard.
Shadow for VirtualMouse.
Shadow for VirtualSensor.
Shadow for VirtualTouchscreen.
Shadow for the Visualizer class.
Provides underlying data for the ShadowVisualizer.
Shadow implementation of VoiceInteractionService.
Shadow implementation of VoiceInteractionSession.
Shadow implementation of VoiceInteractor.
Shadow for VpnManager.
Shadow for VirtualDeviceManager.
Shadow of WebSettings which returns a dummy user a stub instance rather than the User-Agent used by a WebView.
Shadow of WebStorage which constructs a stub instance rather than attempting to create a full Chromium-backed instance.
Shadow Implementation of WifiAwareManager
Shadow Implementation of WifiConfiguration
Shadow for WifiManager.
Class to record scores passed to WifiManager#updateWifiUsabilityScore
Shadow for WifiRttManager.
Shadow for WifiScanner.
Ongoing predictive back gesture.
ShadowWrangler matches shadowed classes up with corresponding shadows based on a ShadowMap.
Shadow of XmlBlock.Parser.
Builder for SharedLibraryInfo.
This class can introduce deadlocks, since its lock is held while invoking run().
Simple implementation of PerfStatsReporter that writes stats to stdout.
The base class for all enumeration based single value robolectric configuration annotations.
Soft reference to a java.lang.ThreadLocal.
Native methods for SQLiteConnection JNI registration.
Initializes sqlite native libraries.
A Configurer annotation for controlling which SQLite shadow implementation is used for the android.database package.
Specifies the different supported SQLite modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @SQLiteMode annotation.
A ShadowPicker that selects between shadows given the SQLite mode
Marks Reflector methods which serve as accessors for static members.
Class to build StorageVolume
Builder for StreamConfigurationMap
Native methods for SumPathEffect JNI registration.
Indicates that the annotated type is intended as a replacement for another type.
Native methods for Surface JNI registration.
Native methods for SweepGradient JNI registration.
Native methods for TableMaskFilter JNI registration.
A helper class for working with temporary directories.
An environment for running tests.
Plugin which allows behaviour extension in TestEnvironment.
A Configurer annotation for controlling how Robolectric performs UI layout.
Specifies the different supported Text layout modes.
Provides configuration to Robolectric for its @TextLayoutMode annotation.
Native methods for TextRunShaper JNI registration.
Represents the list of styles applied to a Theme.
Similar to JUnit's FailOnTimeout, but runs the test on the current thread (with a timer on a new thread) rather than the other way around.
Robolectric's replacement for JUnit's Timeout.
Utility methods for dealing with time.
Native methods for Typeface JNI registration.
Builder for UiccCardInfo which includes modifications made in Android T to support MEP.
Builder for UiccPortInfo which was introduced in Android T.
Builder for UiccSlotInfo which was introduced in Android P.
Access to sun.misc.Unsafe and the various scary things within.
ResourceProvider using URLs.
Represents the contents of a uses-sdk element in an Android manifest file.
Generic collection of utility methods.
Base class for validators.
Native methods for VectorDrawable JNI registration.
Class to build VibrationAttributes
Native methods for VirtualRefBasePtr JNI registration.
Parameters with types that can't be resolved at compile time may be annotated @WithType.
An XML block is a parsed representation of a resource XML file.
Concrete implementation of the XmlResourceParser.
Accessor interface for Activity's internals.