Automated Migration
Robolectric provides an automated migration tool to help keep your test suite up to date with Robolectric API changes. It's based on Error Prone's refactoring tools.
The migration tool will make changes directly to source files in your codebase, which you can review and commit to your source control system.
Before updating your dependencies to the new version of Robolectric:
Make sure you're using a recent version of Gradle (4.10 or newer).
Configure your project to integrate Error Prone. Quick config for Gradle ( usually in your module's
plugins {
id "net.ltgt.errorprone" version "<error_prone_plugin_version>" apply false
String robolectricMigrations = System.getenv("ROBOLECTRIC_MIGRATIONS")
if (robolectricMigrations) {
apply plugin: "net.ltgt.errorprone"
dependencies {
errorprone "<error_prone_version>"
errorprone "org.robolectric:errorprone:4.14"
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
options.errorprone.errorproneArgs = [
'-XepPatchChecks:' + robolectricMigrations,
plugins {
id("net.ltgt.errorprone") version "<error_prone_plugin_version>" apply false
val robolectricMigrations = System.getenv("ROBOLECTRIC_MIGRATIONS")
if (!robolectricMigrations.isNullOrEmpty()) {
dependencies {
tasks.withType<JavaCompile>().configureEach {
options.errorprone.errorproneArgs = listOf(
You don't need to commit this change.
Run the migrations:
Make sure your code still compiles and commit changes.
- Update your project to the new version of Robolectric.
The migration tool will make a best effort attempt to adjust the source code, but there might be more complicated situations that it cannot handle and that need to be converted manually.