Class ShadowApplication

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShadowApplication

        public ShadowApplication()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static ShadowApplication getInstance()
        Use shadowOf({@link ApplicationProvider#getApplicationContext()}) instead.
      • runBackgroundTasks

        public static void runBackgroundTasks()
        Runs any background tasks previously queued by AsyncTask.execute(Object[]).

        Note: calling this method does not pause or un-pause the scheduler.

      • callAttach

        public void callAttach​(Context context)
        Attaches an application to a base context.
        context - The context with which to initialize the application, whose base context will be attached to the application
      • getShownToasts

        public List<Toast> getShownToasts()
      • setUnbindServiceCallsOnServiceDisconnected

        public void setUnbindServiceCallsOnServiceDisconnected​(boolean flag)
        Sets whether or not calls to unbindService should call onServiceDisconnected().

        The default for this is currently true because that is the historical behavior. However, this does not correctly mirror Android's actual behavior. This value will eventually default to false once users have had a chance to migrate, and eventually the option will be removed altogether.

      • setComponentNameAndServiceForBindService

        public void setComponentNameAndServiceForBindService​(ComponentName name,
                                                             IBinder service)
      • setComponentNameAndServiceForBindServiceForIntent

        public void setComponentNameAndServiceForBindServiceForIntent​(Intent intent,
                                                                      ComponentName name,
                                                                      IBinder service)
      • assertNoBroadcastListenersOfActionRegistered

        public void assertNoBroadcastListenersOfActionRegistered​(ContextWrapper context,
                                                                 String action)
      • setUnbindServiceShouldThrowIllegalArgument

        public void setUnbindServiceShouldThrowIllegalArgument​(boolean flag)
      • setThrowInBindService

        public void setThrowInBindService​(SecurityException e)
        Configures the ShadowApplication so that calls to bindService will throw the given SecurityException.
      • setBindServiceCallsOnServiceConnectedDirectly

        public void setBindServiceCallsOnServiceConnectedDirectly​(boolean callDirectly)
        Configures the ShadowApplication so that calls to bindService will call ServiceConnection#onServiceConnected before returning.
      • hasReceiverForIntent

        public boolean hasReceiverForIntent​(Intent intent)
        use PackageManager.queryBroadcastReceivers instead
      • clearRegisteredReceivers

        public void clearRegisteredReceivers()
        Clears the list of ShadowApplication.Wrappers for registered receivers
      • getAppWidgetManager

        public AppWidgetManager getAppWidgetManager()
        Please use Context#getSystemService(Context.APPWIDGET_SERVICE) intstead.
      • declareActionUnbindable

        public void declareActionUnbindable​(String action)
      • declareComponentUnbindable

        public void declareComponentUnbindable​(ComponentName component)
        Configures the ShadowApplication so that bindService calls for the given ComponentName return false and do not call onServiceConnected.
      • clearWakeLocks

        public void clearWakeLocks()
        use ShadowPowerManager.clearWakeLocks
      • getSingleton

        public <T> T getSingleton​(Class<T> clazz,
                                  Provider<T> provider)
      • setLatestPopupMenu

        protected void setLatestPopupMenu​(ShadowPopupMenu latestPopupMenu)
      • getLatestPopupWindow

        public PopupWindow getLatestPopupWindow()
      • setLatestPopupWindow

        protected void setLatestPopupWindow​(PopupWindow latestPopupWindow)
      • getLatestListPopupWindow

        public ListPopupWindow getLatestListPopupWindow()
      • setLatestListPopupWindow

        protected void setLatestListPopupWindow​(ListPopupWindow latestListPopupWindow)
      • setSystemService

        public void setSystemService​(String key,
                                     Object service)
        Do not depend on this method to override services as it will be removed in a future update. The preferered method is use the shadow of the corresponding service.