Class ResourceString

  • public final class ResourceString
    extends Object
    Provides utilities to decode/encode a String packed in an arsc resource file.
    • Method Detail

      • decodeString

        public static String decodeString​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                          int offset,
                                          ResourceString.Type type)
        Given a buffer and an offset into the buffer, returns a String. The offset is the 0-based byte offset from the start of the buffer where the string resides. This should be the location in memory where the string's character count, followed by its byte count, and then followed by the actual string is located.

        Here's an example UTF-8-encoded string of ab©:

         03 04 61 62 C2 A9 00
         ^ Offset should be here
        buffer - The buffer containing the string to decode.
        offset - Offset into the buffer where the string resides.
        type - The encoding type that the ResourceString is encoded in.
        The decoded string.
      • encodeString

        public static byte[] encodeString​(String str,
                                          ResourceString.Type type)
        Encodes a string in either UTF-8 or UTF-16 and returns the bytes of the encoded string. Strings are prefixed by 2 values. The first is the number of characters in the string. The second is the encoding length (number of bytes in the string).

        Here's an example UTF-8-encoded string of ab©:

        03 04 61 62 C2 A9 00
        str - The string to be encoded.
        type - The encoding type that the ResourceString should be encoded in.
        The encoded string.
      • buildString

        public static String buildString​(char[] data)
        Builds a string from a null-terminated char data.