String[] |
getProvidedPackageNames() |
Array of Java package names that are shadowed by this package.
Map<String,String> |
getShadowMap() |
Return the mapping of class name to shadow name.
Map<String,String> |
getShadowPickerMap() |
Map of framework classes which may be represented by more than one shadow, to be picked
at runtime.
void |
reset() |
Reset the static state of all shadows provided by this package.
static ShadowAccessibilityButtonController |
shadowOf(AccessibilityButtonController actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityService |
shadowOf(AccessibilityService actual) |
static ShadowMagnificationController |
shadowOf(AccessibilityService.MagnificationController actual) |
static ShadowSoftKeyboardController |
shadowOf(AccessibilityService.SoftKeyboardController actual) |
static ShadowAccountManager |
shadowOf(AccountManager actual) |
static ShadowObjectAnimator |
shadowOf(ObjectAnimator actual) |
static ShadowValueAnimator |
shadowOf(ValueAnimator actual) |
static ShadowActivity |
shadowOf(Activity actual) |
static ShadowActivityGroup |
shadowOf(ActivityGroup actual) |
static ShadowActivityManager |
shadowOf(ActivityManager actual) |
static ShadowAppTask |
shadowOf(ActivityManager.AppTask actual) |
static ShadowDevicePolicyManager |
shadowOf(DevicePolicyManager actual) |
static ShadowAlarmManager |
shadowOf(AlarmManager actual) |
static ShadowAlertDialog |
shadowOf(AlertDialog actual) |
static ShadowAlertDialog.ShadowBuilder |
shadowOf(AlertDialog.Builder actual) |
static ShadowApplication |
shadowOf(Application actual) |
static ShadowAppOpsManager |
shadowOf(AppOpsManager actual) |
static ShadowBackupManager |
shadowOf(BackupManager actual) |
static ShadowDatePickerDialog |
shadowOf(DatePickerDialog actual) |
static ShadowDialog |
shadowOf(Dialog actual) |
static ShadowDownloadManager |
shadowOf(DownloadManager actual) |
static ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowQuery |
shadowOf(DownloadManager.Query actual) |
static ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowRequest |
shadowOf(DownloadManager.Request actual) |
static ShadowInstrumentation |
shadowOf(Instrumentation actual) |
static ShadowIntentService |
shadowOf(IntentService actual) |
static ShadowJobScheduler |
shadowOf(JobScheduler actual) |
static ShadowJobService |
shadowOf(JobService actual) |
static ShadowKeyguardManager |
shadowOf(KeyguardManager actual) |
static ShadowKeyguardManager.ShadowKeyguardLock |
shadowOf(KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock actual) |
static ShadowLocalActivityManager |
shadowOf(LocalActivityManager actual) |
static ShadowNotification |
shadowOf(Notification actual) |
static ShadowNotificationManager |
shadowOf(NotificationManager actual) |
static ShadowPendingIntent |
shadowOf(PendingIntent actual) |
static ShadowProgressDialog |
shadowOf(ProgressDialog actual) |
static ShadowRoleManager |
shadowOf(RoleManager actual) |
static ShadowSearchManager |
shadowOf(SearchManager actual) |
static ShadowService |
shadowOf(Service actual) |
static ShadowSliceManager |
shadowOf(SliceManager actual) |
static ShadowTabActivity |
shadowOf(TabActivity actual) |
static ShadowTimePickerDialog |
shadowOf(TimePickerDialog actual) |
static ShadowUIModeManager |
shadowOf(UiModeManager actual) |
static ShadowStorageStatsManager |
shadowOf(StorageStatsManager actual) |
static ShadowUsageStatsManager |
shadowOf(UsageStatsManager actual) |
static ShadowVoiceInteractor |
shadowOf(VoiceInteractor actual) |
static ShadowWallpaperManager |
shadowOf(WallpaperManager actual) |
static ShadowAppWidgetHost |
shadowOf(AppWidgetHost actual) |
static ShadowAppWidgetHostView |
shadowOf(AppWidgetHostView actual) |
static ShadowAppWidgetManager |
shadowOf(AppWidgetManager actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothA2dp |
shadowOf(BluetoothA2dp actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothAdapter |
shadowOf(BluetoothAdapter actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothDevice |
shadowOf(BluetoothDevice actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothGatt |
shadowOf(BluetoothGatt actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothHeadset |
shadowOf(BluetoothHeadset actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothManager |
shadowOf(BluetoothManager actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothServerSocket |
shadowOf(BluetoothServerSocket actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothSocket |
shadowOf(BluetoothSocket actual) |
static ShadowBluetoothLeScanner |
shadowOf(BluetoothLeScanner actual) |
static ShadowAsyncQueryHandler |
shadowOf(AsyncQueryHandler actual) |
static ShadowBroadcastReceiver |
shadowOf(BroadcastReceiver actual) |
static ShadowBroadcastPendingResult |
shadowOf(BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult actual) |
static ShadowClipboardManager |
shadowOf(ClipboardManager actual) |
static ShadowContentProvider |
shadowOf(ContentProvider actual) |
static ShadowContentProviderClient |
shadowOf(ContentProviderClient actual) |
static ShadowContentProviderOperation |
shadowOf(ContentProviderOperation actual) |
static ShadowContentProviderResult |
shadowOf(ContentProviderResult actual) |
static ShadowContentResolver |
shadowOf(ContentResolver actual) |
static ShadowContentUris |
shadowOf(ContentUris actual) |
static ShadowContextWrapper |
shadowOf(ContextWrapper actual) |
static ShadowIntent |
shadowOf(Intent actual) |
static ShadowCrossProfileApps |
shadowOf(CrossProfileApps actual) |
static ShadowLauncherApps |
shadowOf(LauncherApps actual) |
static ShadowPackageInstaller |
shadowOf(PackageInstaller actual) |
static ShadowPackageInstaller.ShadowSession |
shadowOf(PackageInstaller.Session actual) |
static ShadowPackageManager |
shadowOf(PackageManager actual) |
static ShadowShortcutManager |
shadowOf(ShortcutManager actual) |
static ShadowSigningInfo |
shadowOf(SigningInfo actual) |
static ShadowLegacyAssetManager |
shadowOf(AssetManager actual) |
static ShadowLegacyAssetInputStream |
shadowOf(AssetManager.AssetInputStream actual) |
static ShadowResources |
shadowOf(Resources actual) |
static ShadowResources.ShadowNotFoundException |
shadowOf(Resources.NotFoundException actual) |
static ShadowResources.ShadowLegacyTheme |
shadowOf(Resources.Theme actual) |
static ShadowTypedArray |
shadowOf(TypedArray actual) |
static ShadowRestrictionsManager |
shadowOf(RestrictionsManager actual) |
static ShadowAbstractCursor |
shadowOf(AbstractCursor actual) |
static ShadowCursorWindow |
shadowOf(CursorWindow actual) |
static ShadowCursorWrapper |
shadowOf(CursorWrapper actual) |
static ShadowSQLiteOpenHelper |
shadowOf(SQLiteOpenHelper actual) |
static ShadowBitmap |
shadowOf(Bitmap actual) |
static ShadowBitmapFactory |
shadowOf(BitmapFactory actual) |
static ShadowBitmapRegionDecoder |
shadowOf(BitmapRegionDecoder actual) |
static ShadowBitmapShader |
shadowOf(BitmapShader actual) |
static ShadowCanvas |
shadowOf(Canvas actual) |
static ShadowColor |
shadowOf(Color actual) |
static ShadowColorMatrixColorFilter |
shadowOf(ColorMatrixColorFilter actual) |
static ShadowColorSpace.ShadowRgb |
shadowOf(ColorSpace.Rgb actual) |
static ShadowCornerPathEffect |
shadowOf(CornerPathEffect actual) |
static ShadowDashPathEffect |
shadowOf(DashPathEffect actual) |
static ShadowBitmapDrawable |
shadowOf(BitmapDrawable actual) |
static ShadowDrawable |
shadowOf(Drawable actual) |
static ShadowGradientDrawable |
shadowOf(GradientDrawable actual) |
static ShadowIcon |
shadowOf(Icon actual) |
static ShadowStateListDrawable |
shadowOf(StateListDrawable actual) |
static ShadowVectorDrawable |
shadowOf(VectorDrawable actual) |
static ShadowFontBuilder |
shadowOf(Font.Builder actual) |
static ShadowLinearGradient |
shadowOf(LinearGradient actual) |
static ShadowMatrix |
shadowOf(Matrix actual) |
static ShadowNinePatch |
shadowOf(NinePatch actual) |
static ShadowOutline |
shadowOf(Outline actual) |
static ShadowPaint |
shadowOf(Paint actual) |
static ShadowPath |
shadowOf(Path actual) |
static ShadowPathMeasure |
shadowOf(PathMeasure actual) |
static ShadowPicture |
shadowOf(Picture actual) |
static ShadowPorterDuffColorFilter |
shadowOf(PorterDuffColorFilter actual) |
static ShadowRegion |
shadowOf(Region actual) |
static ShadowTypeface |
shadowOf(Typeface actual) |
static ShadowTypeface.ShadowBuilder |
shadowOf(Typeface.Builder actual) |
static ShadowCamera |
shadowOf(Camera actual) |
static ShadowCamera.ShadowParameters |
shadowOf(Camera.Parameters actual) |
static ShadowCamera.ShadowSize |
shadowOf(Camera.Size actual) |
static ShadowCameraCharacteristics |
shadowOf(CameraCharacteristics actual) |
static ShadowCameraManager |
shadowOf(CameraManager actual) |
static ShadowCaptureRequestBuilder |
shadowOf(CaptureRequest.Builder actual) |
static ShadowCaptureResult |
shadowOf(CaptureResult actual) |
static ShadowTotalCaptureResult |
shadowOf(TotalCaptureResult actual) |
static ShadowDisplayManager |
shadowOf(DisplayManager actual) |
static ShadowFingerprintManager |
shadowOf(FingerprintManager actual) |
static ShadowHardwareBuffer |
shadowOf(HardwareBuffer actual) |
static ShadowInputManager |
shadowOf(InputManager actual) |
static ShadowSensor |
shadowOf(Sensor actual) |
static ShadowSensorManager |
shadowOf(SensorManager actual) |
static ShadowUsbManager |
shadowOf(UsbManager actual) |
static ShadowGeocoder |
shadowOf(Geocoder actual) |
static ShadowLocationManager |
shadowOf(LocationManager actual) |
static ShadowAudioEffect |
shadowOf(AudioEffect actual) |
static ShadowDynamicsProcessing |
shadowOf(DynamicsProcessing actual) |
static ShadowVisualizer |
shadowOf(Visualizer actual) |
static ShadowAudioManager |
shadowOf(AudioManager actual) |
static ShadowAudioRecord |
shadowOf(AudioRecord actual) |
static ShadowAudioTrack |
shadowOf(AudioTrack actual) |
static ShadowMediaActionSound |
shadowOf(MediaActionSound actual) |
static ShadowMediaCodec |
shadowOf(MediaCodec actual) |
static ShadowMediaCodecList |
shadowOf(MediaCodecList actual) |
static ShadowMediaMetadataRetriever |
shadowOf(MediaMetadataRetriever actual) |
static ShadowMediaMuxer |
shadowOf(MediaMuxer actual) |
static ShadowMediaPlayer |
shadowOf(MediaPlayer actual) |
static ShadowMediaRecorder |
shadowOf(MediaRecorder actual) |
static ShadowMediaRouter |
shadowOf(MediaRouter actual) |
static ShadowMediaScannerConnection |
shadowOf(MediaScannerConnection actual) |
static ShadowRingtoneManager |
shadowOf(RingtoneManager actual) |
static ShadowMediaController |
shadowOf(MediaController actual) |
static ShadowMediaSession |
shadowOf(MediaSession actual) |
static ShadowMediaSessionManager |
shadowOf(MediaSessionManager actual) |
static ShadowSoundPool |
shadowOf(SoundPool actual) |
static ShadowToneGenerator |
shadowOf(ToneGenerator actual) |
static ShadowConnectivityManager |
shadowOf(ConnectivityManager actual) |
static ShadowHttpResponseCache |
shadowOf(HttpResponseCache actual) |
static ShadowNetwork |
shadowOf(Network actual) |
static ShadowNetworkCapabilities |
shadowOf(NetworkCapabilities actual) |
static ShadowNetworkInfo |
shadowOf(NetworkInfo actual) |
static ShadowNsdManager |
shadowOf(NsdManager actual) |
static ShadowTrafficStats |
shadowOf(TrafficStats actual) |
static ShadowVpnService |
shadowOf(VpnService actual) |
static ShadowDiscoverySession |
shadowOf(DiscoverySession actual) |
static ShadowPeerHandle |
shadowOf(PeerHandle actual) |
static ShadowWifiAwareManager |
shadowOf(WifiAwareManager actual) |
static ShadowWifiP2pGroup |
shadowOf(WifiP2pGroup actual) |
static ShadowWifiP2pManager |
shadowOf(WifiP2pManager actual) |
static ShadowRangingResult |
shadowOf(RangingResult actual) |
static ShadowWifiRttManager |
shadowOf(WifiRttManager actual) |
static ShadowScanResult |
shadowOf(ScanResult actual) |
static ShadowWifiConfiguration |
shadowOf(WifiConfiguration actual) |
static ShadowWifiInfo |
shadowOf(WifiInfo actual) |
static ShadowWifiManager |
shadowOf(WifiManager actual) |
static ShadowWifiManager.ShadowMulticastLock |
shadowOf(WifiManager.MulticastLock actual) |
static ShadowWifiManager.ShadowWifiLock |
shadowOf(WifiManager.WifiLock actual) |
static ShadowNfcAdapter |
shadowOf(NfcAdapter actual) |
static ShadowIsoDep |
shadowOf(IsoDep actual) |
static ShadowEGL14 |
shadowOf(EGL14 actual) |
static ShadowGLES20 |
shadowOf(GLES20 actual) |
static ShadowGLSurfaceView |
shadowOf(GLSurfaceView actual) |
static ShadowOpenGLMatrix |
shadowOf(Matrix actual) |
static ShadowBatteryManager |
shadowOf(BatteryManager actual) |
static ShadowBinder |
shadowOf(Binder actual) |
static ShadowBuild |
shadowOf(Build actual) |
static ShadowCountDownTimer |
shadowOf(CountDownTimer actual) |
static ShadowDebug |
shadowOf(Debug actual) |
static ShadowDropBoxManager |
shadowOf(DropBoxManager actual) |
static ShadowEnvironment |
shadowOf(Environment actual) |
static ShadowFileObserver |
shadowOf(FileObserver actual) |
static ShadowLocaleList |
shadowOf(LocaleList actual) |
static ShadowLooper |
shadowOf(Looper actual) |
static ShadowMessage |
shadowOf(Message actual) |
static ShadowMessageQueue |
shadowOf(MessageQueue actual) |
static ShadowMessenger |
shadowOf(Messenger actual) |
static ShadowParcel |
shadowOf(Parcel actual) |
static ShadowParcelFileDescriptor |
shadowOf(ParcelFileDescriptor actual) |
static ShadowPowerManager |
shadowOf(PowerManager actual) |
static ShadowPowerManager.ShadowWakeLock |
shadowOf(PowerManager.WakeLock actual) |
static ShadowProcess |
shadowOf(Process actual) |
static <E extends IInterface> ShadowRemoteCallbackList<E> |
shadowOf(RemoteCallbackList<E> actual) |
static ShadowResultReceiver |
shadowOf(ResultReceiver actual) |
static ShadowStatFs |
shadowOf(StatFs actual) |
static ShadowStorageManager |
shadowOf(StorageManager actual) |
static ShadowStrictModeVmPolicy |
shadowOf(StrictMode.VmPolicy actual) |
static ShadowSystemClock |
shadowOf(SystemClock actual) |
static ShadowTrace |
shadowOf(Trace actual) |
static ShadowUserManager |
shadowOf(UserManager actual) |
static ShadowVibrator |
shadowOf(Vibrator actual) |
static ShadowPreference |
shadowOf(Preference actual) |
static ShadowCallLogCalls |
shadowOf(CallLog.Calls actual) |
static ShadowFontsContract |
shadowOf(FontsContract actual) |
static ShadowMediaStore |
shadowOf(MediaStore actual) |
static ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages |
shadowOf(MediaStore.Images actual) |
static ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages.ShadowMedia |
shadowOf(MediaStore.Images.Media actual) |
static ShadowSettings |
shadowOf(Settings actual) |
static ShadowSettings.ShadowGlobal |
shadowOf(Settings.Global actual) |
static ShadowSettings.ShadowSecure |
shadowOf(Settings.Secure actual) |
static ShadowSettings.ShadowSystem |
shadowOf(Settings.System actual) |
static ShadowTelephony |
shadowOf(Telephony actual) |
static ShadowTelephony.ShadowSms |
shadowOf(Telephony.Sms actual) |
static ShadowNotificationListenerService |
shadowOf(NotificationListenerService actual) |
static ShadowRanking |
shadowOf(NotificationListenerService.Ranking actual) |
static ShadowTile |
shadowOf(Tile actual) |
static ShadowTileService |
shadowOf(TileService actual) |
static ShadowVoiceInteractionService |
shadowOf(VoiceInteractionService actual) |
static ShadowVoiceInteractionSession |
shadowOf(VoiceInteractionSession actual) |
static ShadowSpeechRecognizer |
shadowOf(SpeechRecognizer actual) |
static ShadowTextToSpeech |
shadowOf(TextToSpeech actual) |
static ShadowOs |
shadowOf(Os actual) |
static ShadowOsConstants |
shadowOf(OsConstants actual) |
static ShadowCall |
shadowOf(Call actual) |
static ShadowCall.ShadowRttCall |
shadowOf(Call.RttCall actual) |
static ShadowCallScreeningService |
shadowOf(CallScreeningService actual) |
static ShadowInCallService |
shadowOf(InCallService actual) |
static ShadowTelecomManager |
shadowOf(TelecomManager actual) |
static ShadowCarrierConfigManager |
shadowOf(CarrierConfigManager actual) |
static ShadowEuiccManager |
shadowOf(EuiccManager actual) |
static ShadowSmsManager |
shadowOf(SmsManager actual) |
static ShadowSubscriptionManager |
shadowOf(SubscriptionManager actual) |
static ShadowTelephonyManager |
shadowOf(TelephonyManager actual) |
static ShadowVisualVoicemailSms |
shadowOf(VisualVoicemailSms actual) |
static ShadowTime |
shadowOf(Time actual) |
static ShadowLinkMovementMethod |
shadowOf(LinkMovementMethod actual) |
static ShadowStaticLayout |
shadowOf(StaticLayout actual) |
static ShadowTextPaint |
shadowOf(TextPaint actual) |
static ShadowTextUtils |
shadowOf(TextUtils actual) |
static ShadowEventLog |
shadowOf(EventLog actual) |
static ShadowEventLog.ShadowEvent |
shadowOf(EventLog.Event actual) |
static ShadowLog |
shadowOf(Log actual) |
static ShadowStatsLog |
shadowOf(StatsLog actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityManager |
shadowOf(AccessibilityManager actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityNodeInfo |
shadowOf(AccessibilityNodeInfo actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityNodeInfo.ShadowAccessibilityAction |
shadowOf(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityRecord |
shadowOf(AccessibilityRecord actual) |
static ShadowAccessibilityWindowInfo |
shadowOf(AccessibilityWindowInfo actual) |
static ShadowCaptioningManager |
shadowOf(CaptioningManager actual) |
static ShadowAnimationUtils |
shadowOf(AnimationUtils actual) |
static ShadowLayoutAnimationController |
shadowOf(LayoutAnimationController actual) |
static ShadowAutofillManager |
shadowOf(AutofillManager actual) |
static ShadowContextThemeWrapper |
shadowOf(ContextThemeWrapper actual) |
static ShadowDisplay |
shadowOf(Display actual) |
static ShadowGestureDetector |
shadowOf(GestureDetector actual) |
static ShadowInputDevice |
shadowOf(InputDevice actual) |
static ShadowInputEvent |
shadowOf(InputEvent actual) |
static ShadowInputMethodManager |
shadowOf(InputMethodManager actual) |
static ShadowKeyCharacterMap |
shadowOf(KeyCharacterMap actual) |
static ShadowMotionEvent |
shadowOf(MotionEvent actual) |
static ShadowScaleGestureDetector |
shadowOf(ScaleGestureDetector actual) |
static ShadowSurface |
shadowOf(Surface actual) |
static ShadowSurfaceView |
shadowOf(SurfaceView actual) |
static ShadowTouchDelegate |
shadowOf(TouchDelegate actual) |
static ShadowVelocityTracker |
shadowOf(VelocityTracker actual) |
static ShadowView |
shadowOf(View actual) |
static ShadowViewConfiguration |
shadowOf(ViewConfiguration actual) |
static ShadowViewGroup |
shadowOf(ViewGroup actual) |
static ShadowWindow |
shadowOf(Window actual) |
static ShadowWindowManager |
shadowOf(WindowManager actual) |
static ShadowCookieManager |
shadowOf(CookieManager actual) |
static ShadowCookieSyncManager |
shadowOf(CookieSyncManager actual) |
static ShadowJsPromptResult |
shadowOf(JsPromptResult actual) |
static ShadowJsResult |
shadowOf(JsResult actual) |
static ShadowMimeTypeMap |
shadowOf(MimeTypeMap actual) |
static ShadowSslErrorHandler |
shadowOf(SslErrorHandler actual) |
static ShadowWebSettings |
shadowOf(WebSettings actual) |
static ShadowWebStorage |
shadowOf(WebStorage actual) |
static ShadowWebView |
shadowOf(WebView actual) |
static ShadowWebViewDatabase |
shadowOf(WebViewDatabase actual) |
static ShadowAbsListView |
shadowOf(AbsListView actual) |
static ShadowAbsSeekBar |
shadowOf(AbsSeekBar actual) |
static ShadowAbsSpinner |
shadowOf(AbsSpinner actual) |
static <T extends Adapter> ShadowAdapterView<T> |
shadowOf(AdapterView<T> actual) |
static <T> ShadowArrayAdapter<T> |
shadowOf(ArrayAdapter<T> actual) |
static ShadowBaseAdapter |
shadowOf(BaseAdapter actual) |
static ShadowCompoundButton |
shadowOf(CompoundButton actual) |
static ShadowEdgeEffect |
shadowOf(EdgeEffect actual) |
static ShadowExpandableListView |
shadowOf(ExpandableListView actual) |
static ShadowFilter |
shadowOf(Filter actual) |
static ShadowLinearLayout |
shadowOf(LinearLayout actual) |
static ShadowListPopupWindow |
shadowOf(ListPopupWindow actual) |
static ShadowListView |
shadowOf(ListView actual) |
static ShadowNumberPicker |
shadowOf(NumberPicker actual) |
static ShadowPopupMenu |
shadowOf(PopupMenu actual) |
static ShadowPopupWindow |
shadowOf(PopupWindow actual) |
static ShadowProgressBar |
shadowOf(ProgressBar actual) |
static ShadowRelativeLayout |
shadowOf(RelativeLayout actual) |
static ShadowScroller |
shadowOf(Scroller actual) |
static ShadowScrollView |
shadowOf(ScrollView actual) |
static ShadowSeekBar |
shadowOf(SeekBar actual) |
static ShadowTabHost |
shadowOf(TabHost actual) |
static ShadowTabHost.ShadowTabSpec |
shadowOf(TabHost.TabSpec actual) |
static ShadowTabWidget |
shadowOf(TabWidget actual) |
static ShadowTextView |
shadowOf(TextView actual) |
static ShadowToast |
shadowOf(Toast actual) |
static ShadowVideoView |
shadowOf(VideoView actual) |
static ShadowViewAnimator |
shadowOf(ViewAnimator actual) |
static ShadowZoomButtonsController |
shadowOf(ZoomButtonsController actual) |
static ShadowDexFile |
shadowOf(DexFile actual) |