@Implements(value=android.content.res.AssetManager.class, looseSignatures=true, shadowPicker=Picker.class) public class ShadowLegacyAssetManager extends ShadowAssetManager
ShadowAssetManager.ArscBase, ShadowAssetManager.Picker
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
static com.google.common.collect.Ordering<String> |
protected AssetManager |
realObject |
Constructor | Description |
ShadowLegacyAssetManager() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected void |
__constructor__() |
protected void |
__constructor__(boolean isSystem) |
int |
addAssetPath(String path) |
protected int |
addAssetPathNative(String path) |
protected int |
addAssetPathNative(String path,
boolean appAsLib) |
protected static boolean |
applyStyle(int themeToken,
int defStyleAttr,
int defStyleRes,
int xmlParserToken,
int[] attrs,
int[] outValues,
int[] outIndices) |
protected static boolean |
applyStyle(long themeToken,
int defStyleAttr,
int defStyleRes,
long xmlParserToken,
int[] attrs,
int[] outValues,
int[] outIndices) |
protected static void |
applyStyle(long themeToken,
int defStyleAttr,
int defStyleRes,
long xmlParserToken,
int[] inAttrs,
int length,
long outValuesAddress,
long outIndicesAddress) |
protected void |
applyStyleToTheme(long themePtr,
int resId,
boolean force) |
static void |
applyThemeStyle(int themePtr,
int styleRes,
boolean force) |
static void |
applyThemeStyle(long themePtr,
int styleRes,
boolean force) |
static void |
copyTheme(int destPtr,
int sourcePtr) |
static void |
copyTheme(long destPtr,
long sourcePtr) |
Number |
createTheme() |
protected void |
deleteTheme(int theme) |
protected void |
deleteTheme(long theme) |
protected void |
destroyAsset(int asset) |
protected void |
destroyAsset(long asset) |
protected static void |
dumpTheme(long theme,
int priority,
String tag,
String prefix) |
protected Object |
ensureStringBlocks() |
int[] |
getArrayIntResource(int resId) |
protected int |
getArraySize(int id) |
protected int[] |
getArrayStringInfo(int arrayResId) |
protected String[] |
getArrayStringResource(int arrayResId) |
protected long |
getAssetLength(int asset) |
protected long |
getAssetLength(long asset) |
protected long |
getAssetRemainingLength(int asset) |
protected long |
getAssetRemainingLength(long assetHandle) |
protected SparseArray<String> |
getAssignedPackageIdentifiers() |
TypedResource |
getAttrTypeData(ResName resName) |
protected String[] |
getLocales() |
protected Number |
getNativeStringBlock(int block) |
CharSequence |
getResourceBagText(int ident,
int bagEntryId) |
protected String |
getResourceEntryName(int resid) |
int |
getResourceIdentifier(String name,
String defType,
String defPackage) |
protected int[] |
getResourceIntArray(int resId) |
protected String |
getResourceName(int resid) |
protected String |
getResourcePackageName(int resid) |
String[] |
getResourceStringArray(int id) |
protected ResourceTable |
getResourceTable() |
CharSequence |
getResourceText(int ident) |
CharSequence[] |
getResourceTextArray(int resId) |
protected String |
getResourceTypeName(int resid) |
boolean |
getResourceValue(int ident,
int density,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolveRefs) |
protected int |
getStringBlockCount() |
boolean |
getThemeValue(int themePtr,
int ident,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolveRefs) |
boolean |
getThemeValue(long themePtr,
int ident,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolveRefs) |
protected TypedArray |
getTypedArrayResource(Resources resources,
int resId) |
protected void |
init() |
protected void |
init(boolean isSystem) |
boolean |
isUpToDate() |
protected String[] |
list(String path) |
protected int |
loadResourceBagValue(int ident,
int bagEntryId,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolve) |
protected int |
loadResourceValue(int ident,
short density,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolve) |
protected static int |
loadThemeAttributeValue(int themeHandle,
int ident,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolve) |
protected static int |
loadThemeAttributeValue(long themeHandle,
int ident,
TypedValue outValue,
boolean resolve) |
protected XmlResourceParser |
loadXmlResourceParser(int resId,
String type) |
protected static void |
nativeAssetDestroy(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetGetLength(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetGetRemainingLength(long asset_ptr) |
protected static int |
nativeAssetRead(long asset_ptr,
byte[] java_buffer,
int offset,
int len) |
protected static int |
nativeAssetReadChar(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetSeek(long asset_ptr,
long offset,
int whence) |
protected static long |
nativeCreate() |
protected static String[] |
nativeCreateIdmapsForStaticOverlaysTargetingAndroid() |
protected static void |
nativeThemeCopy(long destPtr,
long sourcePtr) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeCopy(long dstAssetManagerPtr,
long dstThemePtr,
long srcAssetManagerPtr,
long srcThemePtr) |
protected Number |
newTheme() |
protected InputStream |
open(String fileName) |
protected InputStream |
open(String fileName,
int accessMode) |
protected Number |
openAsset(String fileName,
int mode) |
protected ParcelFileDescriptor |
openAssetFd(String fileName,
long[] outOffsets) |
protected AssetFileDescriptor |
openFd(String fileName) |
InputStream |
openNonAsset(int cookie,
String fileName,
int accessMode) |
AssetFileDescriptor |
openNonAssetFd(int cookie,
String fileName) |
protected ParcelFileDescriptor |
openNonAssetFdNative(int cookie,
String fileName,
long[] outOffsets) |
protected Number |
openNonAssetNative(int cookie,
String fileName,
int accessMode) |
protected Number |
openXmlAssetNative(int cookie,
String fileName) |
protected XmlResourceParser |
openXmlResourceParser(int cookie,
String fileName) |
void |
releaseTheme(int themePtr) |
void |
releaseTheme(long themePtr) |
static void |
reset() |
protected static boolean |
resolveAttrs(long themeToken,
int defStyleAttr,
int defStyleRes,
int[] inValues,
int[] attrs,
int[] outValues,
int[] outIndices) |
protected ResName |
resolveResName(ResName resName,
ResTable_config config) |
protected TypedResource |
resolveResourceValue(TypedResource value,
ResTable_config config,
int resId) |
protected int |
retrieveArray(int id,
int[] outValues) |
protected boolean |
retrieveAttributes(int xmlParserToken,
int[] attrs,
int[] outValues,
int[] outIndices) |
protected boolean |
retrieveAttributes(long xmlParserToken,
int[] attrs,
int[] outValues,
int[] outIndices) |
protected long |
seekAsset(int asset,
long offset,
int whence) |
protected long |
seekAsset(long asset,
long offset,
int whence) |
void |
setApkAssets(Object apkAssetsObject,
Object invalidateCachesObject) |
void |
setConfiguration(int mcc,
int mnc,
String locale,
int orientation,
int touchscreen,
int density,
int keyboard,
int keyboardHidden,
int navigation,
int screenWidth,
int screenHeight,
int smallestScreenWidthDp,
int screenWidthDp,
int screenHeightDp,
int screenLayout,
int uiMode,
int sdkVersion) |
void |
setConfiguration(int mcc,
int mnc,
String locale,
int orientation,
int touchscreen,
int density,
int keyboard,
int keyboardHidden,
int navigation,
int screenWidth,
int screenHeight,
int smallestScreenWidthDp,
int screenWidthDp,
int screenHeightDp,
int screenLayout,
int uiMode,
int colorMode,
int majorVersion) |
void |
setLocale(String locale) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final com.google.common.collect.Ordering<String> ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PRECIDENCE
@RealObject protected AssetManager realObject
public TypedResource getAttrTypeData(ResName resName)
@Implementation protected void __constructor__()
@Implementation protected void __constructor__(boolean isSystem)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeCreate()
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected void init()
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected void init(boolean isSystem)
protected ResourceTable getResourceTable()
@HiddenApi @Implementation public CharSequence getResourceText(int ident)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public CharSequence getResourceBagText(int ident, int bagEntryId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int getStringBlockCount()
@HiddenApi @Implementation public String[] getResourceStringArray(int id)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public int getResourceIdentifier(String name, String defType, String defPackage)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public boolean getResourceValue(int ident, int density, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public CharSequence[] getResourceTextArray(int resId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) public boolean getThemeValue(int themePtr, int ident, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21) public boolean getThemeValue(long themePtr, int ident, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Object ensureStringBlocks()
@Implementation protected final InputStream open(String fileName) throws IOException
@Implementation protected final InputStream open(String fileName, int accessMode) throws IOException
@Implementation protected final AssetFileDescriptor openFd(String fileName) throws IOException
@Implementation protected final String[] list(String path) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Number openAsset(String fileName, int mode) throws FileNotFoundException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected ParcelFileDescriptor openAssetFd(String fileName, long[] outOffsets) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation public final InputStream openNonAsset(int cookie, String fileName, int accessMode) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Number openNonAssetNative(int cookie, String fileName, int accessMode) throws FileNotFoundException
@HiddenApi @Implementation public final AssetFileDescriptor openNonAssetFd(int cookie, String fileName) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected ParcelFileDescriptor openNonAssetFdNative(int cookie, String fileName, long[] outOffsets) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Number openXmlAssetNative(int cookie, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException
@Implementation protected final XmlResourceParser openXmlResourceParser(int cookie, String fileName) throws IOException
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected final long seekAsset(int asset, long offset, int whence)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected long seekAsset(long asset, long offset, int whence)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected final long getAssetLength(int asset)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected long getAssetLength(long asset)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected final long getAssetRemainingLength(int asset)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected long getAssetRemainingLength(long assetHandle)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected final void destroyAsset(int asset)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected void destroyAsset(long asset)
protected XmlResourceParser loadXmlResourceParser(int resId, String type) throws Resources.NotFoundException
@HiddenApi @Implementation public int addAssetPath(String path)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=18, maxSdk=23) protected final int addAssetPathNative(String path)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=24, maxSdk=27) protected int addAssetPathNative(String path, boolean appAsLib)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=28) public void setApkAssets(Object apkAssetsObject, Object invalidateCachesObject)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public boolean isUpToDate()
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=23) public void setLocale(String locale)
@Implementation protected String[] getLocales()
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=25) public final void setConfiguration(int mcc, int mnc, String locale, int orientation, int touchscreen, int density, int keyboard, int keyboardHidden, int navigation, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int smallestScreenWidthDp, int screenWidthDp, int screenHeightDp, int screenLayout, int uiMode, int sdkVersion)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=26) public void setConfiguration(int mcc, int mnc, String locale, int orientation, int touchscreen, int density, int keyboard, int keyboardHidden, int navigation, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, int smallestScreenWidthDp, int screenWidthDp, int screenHeightDp, int screenLayout, int uiMode, int colorMode, int majorVersion)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) public int[] getArrayIntResource(int resId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=28) protected int[] getResourceIntArray(int resId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected String[] getArrayStringResource(int arrayResId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int[] getArrayStringInfo(int arrayResId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Number newTheme()
protected TypedArray getTypedArrayResource(Resources resources, int resId)
@HiddenApi @Implementation public Number createTheme()
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected static void dumpTheme(long theme, int priority, String tag, String prefix)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) public void releaseTheme(int themePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21) public void releaseTheme(long themePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected void deleteTheme(int theme)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected void deleteTheme(long theme)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) public static void applyThemeStyle(int themePtr, int styleRes, boolean force)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) public static void applyThemeStyle(long themePtr, int styleRes, boolean force)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) public static void copyTheme(int destPtr, int sourcePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) public static void copyTheme(long destPtr, long sourcePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=28, maxSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeCopy(long destPtr, long sourcePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=29) protected static void nativeThemeCopy(long dstAssetManagerPtr, long dstThemePtr, long srcAssetManagerPtr, long srcThemePtr)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected static boolean applyStyle(int themeToken, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes, int xmlParserToken, int[] attrs, int[] outValues, int[] outIndices)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=26, maxSdk=27) protected static void applyStyle(long themeToken, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes, long xmlParserToken, int[] inAttrs, int length, long outValuesAddress, long outIndicesAddress)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=28) protected void applyStyleToTheme(long themePtr, int resId, boolean force)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=25) protected static boolean applyStyle(long themeToken, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes, long xmlParserToken, int[] attrs, int[] outValues, int[] outIndices)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected static boolean resolveAttrs(long themeToken, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes, int[] inValues, int[] attrs, int[] outValues, int[] outIndices)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected boolean retrieveAttributes(int xmlParserToken, int[] attrs, int[] outValues, int[] outIndices)
@Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected boolean retrieveAttributes(long xmlParserToken, int[] attrs, int[] outValues, int[] outIndices)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk=20) protected static int loadThemeAttributeValue(int themeHandle, int ident, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolve)
@HiddenApi @Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected static int loadThemeAttributeValue(long themeHandle, int ident, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolve)
protected ResName resolveResName(ResName resName, ResTable_config config)
protected TypedResource resolveResourceValue(TypedResource value, ResTable_config config, int resId)
@Implementation protected String getResourceName(int resid)
@Implementation protected String getResourcePackageName(int resid)
@Implementation protected String getResourceTypeName(int resid)
@Implementation protected String getResourceEntryName(int resid)
@Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int getArraySize(int id)
@Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int retrieveArray(int id, int[] outValues)
@Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected Number getNativeStringBlock(int block)
@Implementation(minSdk=21, maxSdk=27) protected final SparseArray<String> getAssignedPackageIdentifiers()
@Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int loadResourceValue(int ident, short density, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolve)
@Implementation(maxSdk=27) protected int loadResourceBagValue(int ident, int bagEntryId, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolve)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeAssetDestroy(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeAssetReadChar(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeAssetRead(long asset_ptr, byte[] java_buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetSeek(long asset_ptr, long offset, int whence)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetGetLength(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetGetRemainingLength(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=29, maxSdk=30) protected static String[] nativeCreateIdmapsForStaticOverlaysTargetingAndroid()
@Resetter public static void reset()