@Implements(value=android.content.res.AssetManager.class, minSdk=28, shadowPicker=Picker.class) public class ShadowArscAssetManager9 extends ShadowAssetManager.ArscBase
ShadowAssetManager.ArscBase, ShadowAssetManager.Picker
Constructor | Description |
ShadowArscAssetManager9() |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
protected void |
__constructor__(boolean sentinel) |
Used for the creation of system assets.
protected static void |
createSystemAssetsInZygoteLocked() |
protected static String |
getAssetAllocations() |
protected static int |
getGlobalAssetCount() |
protected static int |
getGlobalAssetManagerCount() |
protected static void |
nativeApplyStyle(long ptr,
long theme_ptr,
int def_style_attr,
int def_style_resid,
long xml_parser_ptr,
int[] java_attrs,
long out_values_ptr,
long out_indices_ptr) |
protected static void |
nativeAssetDestroy(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetGetLength(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetGetRemainingLength(long asset_ptr) |
protected static int |
nativeAssetRead(long asset_ptr,
byte[] java_buffer,
int offset,
int len) |
protected static int |
nativeAssetReadChar(long asset_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeAssetSeek(long asset_ptr,
long offset,
int whence) |
protected static long |
nativeCreate() |
protected static String[] |
nativeCreateIdmapsForStaticOverlaysTargetingAndroid() |
protected static void |
nativeDestroy(long ptr) |
protected static SparseArray<String> |
nativeGetAssignedPackageIdentifiers(long ptr) |
protected static String[] |
nativeGetLocales(long ptr,
boolean exclude_system) |
protected static int |
nativeGetResourceArray(long ptr,
int resid,
int[] out_data) |
protected static int |
nativeGetResourceArraySize(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static int |
nativeGetResourceBagValue(long ptr,
int resid,
int bag_entry_id,
TypedValue typed_value) |
protected static String |
nativeGetResourceEntryName(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static int |
nativeGetResourceIdentifier(long ptr,
String name,
String def_type,
String def_package) |
protected static int[] |
nativeGetResourceIntArray(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static String |
nativeGetResourceName(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static String |
nativeGetResourcePackageName(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static String[] |
nativeGetResourceStringArray(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static int[] |
nativeGetResourceStringArrayInfo(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static String |
nativeGetResourceTypeName(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static int |
nativeGetResourceValue(long ptr,
int resid,
short density,
TypedValue typed_value,
boolean resolve_references) |
protected static Configuration[] |
nativeGetSizeConfigurations(long ptr) |
protected static int[] |
nativeGetStyleAttributes(long ptr,
int resid) |
protected static String[] |
nativeList(long ptr,
String path) |
protected static long |
nativeOpenAsset(long ptr,
String asset_path,
int access_mode) |
protected static ParcelFileDescriptor |
nativeOpenAssetFd(long ptr,
String asset_path,
long[] out_offsets) |
protected static long |
nativeOpenNonAsset(long ptr,
int jcookie,
String asset_path,
int access_mode) |
protected static ParcelFileDescriptor |
nativeOpenNonAssetFd(long ptr,
int jcookie,
String asset_path,
long[] out_offsets) |
protected static long |
nativeOpenXmlAsset(long ptr,
int jcookie,
String asset_path) |
protected static boolean |
nativeResolveAttrs(long ptr,
long theme_ptr,
int def_style_attr,
int def_style_resid,
int[] java_values,
int[] java_attrs,
int[] out_java_values,
int[] out_java_indices) |
protected static boolean |
nativeRetrieveAttributes(long ptr,
long xml_parser_ptr,
int[] java_attrs,
int[] out_java_values,
int[] out_java_indices) |
protected static void |
nativeSetApkAssets(long ptr,
ApkAssets[] apk_assets_array,
boolean invalidate_caches) |
protected static void |
nativeSetConfiguration(long ptr,
int mcc,
int mnc,
String locale,
int orientation,
int touchscreen,
int density,
int keyboard,
int keyboard_hidden,
int navigation,
int screen_width,
int screen_height,
int smallest_screen_width_dp,
int screen_width_dp,
int screen_height_dp,
int screen_layout,
int ui_mode,
int color_mode,
int major_version) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeApplyStyle(long ptr,
long theme_ptr,
int resid,
boolean force) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeClear(long themePtr) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeCopy(long dst_theme_ptr,
long src_theme_ptr) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeCopy(long dst_asset_manager_ptr,
long dst_theme_ptr,
long src_asset_manager_ptr,
long src_theme_ptr) |
protected static long |
nativeThemeCreate(long ptr) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeDestroy(long theme_ptr) |
protected static void |
nativeThemeDump(long ptr,
long theme_ptr,
int priority,
String tag,
String prefix) |
protected static int |
nativeThemeGetAttributeValue(long ptr,
long theme_ptr,
int resid,
TypedValue typed_value,
boolean resolve_references) |
protected static int |
nativeThemeGetChangingConfigurations(long theme_ptr) |
protected static void |
nativeVerifySystemIdmaps() |
static void |
reset() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
@Implementation protected static void createSystemAssetsInZygoteLocked()
@Resetter public static void reset()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeVerifySystemIdmaps()
@Implementation(minSdk=29) protected static String[] nativeCreateIdmapsForStaticOverlaysTargetingAndroid()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected void __constructor__(boolean sentinel)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int getGlobalAssetCount()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String getAssetAllocations()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int getGlobalAssetManagerCount()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeCreate()
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeDestroy(long ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeSetApkAssets(long ptr, ApkAssets[] apk_assets_array, boolean invalidate_caches)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeSetConfiguration(long ptr, int mcc, int mnc, String locale, int orientation, int touchscreen, int density, int keyboard, int keyboard_hidden, int navigation, int screen_width, int screen_height, int smallest_screen_width_dp, int screen_width_dp, int screen_height_dp, int screen_layout, int ui_mode, int color_mode, int major_version)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static SparseArray<String> nativeGetAssignedPackageIdentifiers(long ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String[] nativeList(long ptr, String path) throws IOException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeOpenAsset(long ptr, String asset_path, int access_mode) throws FileNotFoundException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static ParcelFileDescriptor nativeOpenAssetFd(long ptr, String asset_path, long[] out_offsets) throws IOException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeOpenNonAsset(long ptr, int jcookie, String asset_path, int access_mode) throws FileNotFoundException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static ParcelFileDescriptor nativeOpenNonAssetFd(long ptr, int jcookie, String asset_path, long[] out_offsets) throws IOException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeOpenXmlAsset(long ptr, int jcookie, String asset_path) throws FileNotFoundException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeGetResourceValue(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid, short density, TypedValue typed_value, boolean resolve_references)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeGetResourceBagValue(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid, int bag_entry_id, TypedValue typed_value)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) @AttrRes protected static int[] nativeGetStyleAttributes(long ptr, @StyleRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String[] nativeGetResourceStringArray(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int[] nativeGetResourceStringArrayInfo(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int[] nativeGetResourceIntArray(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeGetResourceArraySize(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeGetResourceArray(long ptr, @ArrayRes int resid, int[] out_data)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) @AnyRes protected static int nativeGetResourceIdentifier(long ptr, String name, String def_type, String def_package)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String nativeGetResourceName(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String nativeGetResourcePackageName(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String nativeGetResourceTypeName(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String nativeGetResourceEntryName(long ptr, @AnyRes int resid)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static String[] nativeGetLocales(long ptr, boolean exclude_system)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static Configuration[] nativeGetSizeConfigurations(long ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeApplyStyle(long ptr, long theme_ptr, @AttrRes int def_style_attr, @StyleRes int def_style_resid, long xml_parser_ptr, int[] java_attrs, long out_values_ptr, long out_indices_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static boolean nativeResolveAttrs(long ptr, long theme_ptr, @AttrRes int def_style_attr, @StyleRes int def_style_resid, int[] java_values, int[] java_attrs, int[] out_java_values, int[] out_java_indices)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static boolean nativeRetrieveAttributes(long ptr, long xml_parser_ptr, int[] java_attrs, int[] out_java_values, int[] out_java_indices)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeThemeCreate(long ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeDestroy(long theme_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeApplyStyle(long ptr, long theme_ptr, @StyleRes int resid, boolean force)
@Implementation(minSdk=28, maxSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeCopy(long dst_theme_ptr, long src_theme_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=29) protected static void nativeThemeCopy(long dst_asset_manager_ptr, long dst_theme_ptr, long src_asset_manager_ptr, long src_theme_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeClear(long themePtr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeThemeGetAttributeValue(long ptr, long theme_ptr, @AttrRes int resid, TypedValue typed_value, boolean resolve_references)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeThemeDump(long ptr, long theme_ptr, int priority, String tag, String prefix)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeThemeGetChangingConfigurations(long theme_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static void nativeAssetDestroy(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeAssetReadChar(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static int nativeAssetRead(long asset_ptr, byte[] java_buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetSeek(long asset_ptr, long offset, int whence)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetGetLength(long asset_ptr)
@Implementation(minSdk=28) protected static long nativeAssetGetRemainingLength(long asset_ptr)