AppWidgetProviderInfoBuilder |
AssociationInfoBuilder |
AttestedKeyPairFactory |
Factory to create AttestedKeyPair.
AudioDeviceInfoBuilder |
BarringInfoBuilder |
BarringInfoBuilder.BarringServiceInfoBuilder |
BrightnessChangeEventBuilder |
CachedPathIteratorFactory |
Class that returns iterators for a given path.
ClassNameResolver<T> |
Converter<T> |
Converter.FromArray |
Converter.FromAttrData |
Converter.FromCharSequence |
Converter.FromColor |
Converter.FromFilePath |
Converter2<T> |
Converter2.FromCharSequence |
Converter2.FromColor |
DeviceStateSensorOrientationBuilder |
DragEventBuilder |
EpsBearerQosSessionAttributesBuilder |
FrameMetricsBuilder |
GnssStatusBuilder |
GnssStatusBuilder.GnssSatelliteInfo |
Information about a single satellite in a GnssStatus .
GnssStatusBuilder.GnssSatelliteInfo.Builder |
GraphicsShadowPicker<T> |
A ShadowPicker that selects between shadows given the Graphics mode.
ImageUtil |
LegacyManifestParser |
LooperShadowPicker<T> |
MediaCodecInfoBuilder |
MediaCodecInfoBuilder.CodecCapabilitiesBuilder |
ModuleInfoBuilder |
Builder for ModuleInfo as ModuleInfo has hidden constructors, this builder class has been
added as a way to make custom ModuleInfo objects when needed.
NativeAndroidInput |
Java representation of framework native system headers Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27)
NativeBitSet64 |
Transliteration of native BitSet64.
NativeInput |
Java representation of framework native input Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27)
frameworks/native/include/input/Input.h and libs/input/Input.cpp
NrQosSessionAttributesBuilder |
PackageRollbackInfoBuilder |
Builder for PackageRollbackInfo as PackageRollbackInfo has hidden constructors, this
builder class has been added as a way to make custom PackageRollbackInfo objects when needed.
PhoneAccountBuilder |
PlaybackInfoBuilder |
PreciseDataConnectionStateBuilder |
RangingSessionBuilder |
Class to build RangingSession
ResourceHelper |
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
ResourceHelper2 |
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
ResourceModeShadowPicker<T> |
ResponderLocationBuilder |
RollbackInfoBuilder |
Builder for RollbackInfo as RollbackInfo has hidden constructors, this builder class has
been added as a way to make custom RollbackInfo objects when needed.
RoundRectangle |
Defines a rectangle with rounded corners, where the sizes of the corners are potentially
RunningTaskInfoBuilder |
ShadowAbsListView |
ShadowAbsSpinner |
ShadowAccessibilityButtonController |
ShadowAccessibilityManager |
ShadowAccessibilityNodeInfo |
ShadowAccessibilityRecord |
ShadowAccessibilityService |
Shadow of AccessibilityService that tracks global actions and provides a mechanism to simulate
the window list.
ShadowAccessibilityService.GestureDispatch |
Represents a gesture that has been dispatched through the accessibility service.
ShadowAccessibilityWindowInfo |
ShadowAccountManager |
ShadowActivity |
ShadowActivity.IntentForResult |
Container object to hold an Intent, together with the requestCode used in a call to
Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
ShadowActivity.IntentSenderRequest |
Class to holds details of a startIntentSenderForResult request.
ShadowActivity.PermissionsRequest |
Class to hold a permissions request, including its request code.
ShadowActivityGroup |
ShadowActivityManager |
ShadowActivityManager.ApplicationExitInfoBuilder |
ShadowActivityManagerNative |
ShadowActivityTaskManager |
ShadowActivityThread |
ShadowAdapterView<T extends Adapter> |
ShadowAlarmManager |
ShadowAlarmManager.ScheduledAlarm |
Represents a set alarm.
ShadowAlertController |
ShadowAlertDialog |
ShadowAlertDialog.ShadowBuilder |
ShadowAmbientContextManager |
Shadow of AmbientContextManager
ShadowAndroidBidi |
ShadowAndroidHttpClient |
ShadowAnimationBridge |
ShadowAnimationUtils |
ShadowAnnotationValidations |
ShadowApkAssets |
ShadowApkAssets.Picker |
ShadowAppIntegrityManager |
Shadow of AppIntegrityManager
ShadowApplication |
ShadowApplication.Wrapper |
ShadowApplicationPackageManager |
ShadowAppOpsManager |
ShadowAppOpsManager.ModeAndException |
Class holding usage mode and excpetion packages.
ShadowAppTask |
ShadowAppWidgetHost |
ShadowAppWidgetHostView |
ShadowAppWidgetManager |
ShadowArrayAdapter<T> |
ShadowArscApkAssets9 |
ShadowArscApkAssets9.Key |
ShadowArscAssetInputStream |
ShadowArscAssetManager |
ShadowArscAssetManager10 |
ShadowArscAssetManager14 |
ShadowArscAssetManager9 |
ShadowArscResourcesImpl |
ShadowAssetInputStream |
ShadowAssetInputStream.Picker |
ShadowAssetManager |
ShadowAssetManager.ArscBase |
ShadowAssetManager.Picker |
ShadowAsyncQueryHandler |
ShadowAsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result> |
ShadowAsyncTask.Picker |
ShadowAsyncTaskLoader<D> |
ShadowAsyncTaskLoader.Picker |
ShadowAudioEffect |
Implements AudioEffect by shadowing its native methods.
ShadowAudioManager |
ShadowAudioManager.AudioFocusRequest |
ShadowAudioRecord |
Shadow AudioRecord which by default will fulfil any requests for audio data by completely
filling any requested buffers.
ShadowAudioSystem |
ShadowAudioTrack |
ShadowAutofillManager |
Robolectric implementation of android.os.AutofillManager .
ShadowBackdropFrameRenderer |
Shadow for BackdropFrameRenderer
ShadowBackgroundThread |
ShadowBackupManager |
ShadowBaseAdapter |
ShadowBasicTagTechnology |
Extends BasicTagTechnology to allow for testing.
ShadowBatteryManager |
ShadowBinder |
ShadowBinderBridge |
Bridge between shadow and Binder .
ShadowBiometricManager |
ShadowBitmap |
Base class for Bitmap shadows.
ShadowBitmap.Picker |
ShadowBitmapDrawable |
ShadowBitmapFactory |
ShadowBitmapRegionDecoder |
ShadowBlockGuardOs |
ShadowBluetoothA2dp |
ShadowBluetoothAdapter |
ShadowBluetoothDevice |
ShadowBluetoothGatt |
ShadowBluetoothGattServer |
ShadowBluetoothHeadset |
ShadowBluetoothLeAdvertiser |
ShadowBluetoothLeScanner |
Adds Robolectric support for BLE scanning.
ShadowBluetoothLeScanner.ScanParams |
ShadowBluetoothManager |
ShadowBluetoothServerSocket |
ShadowBluetoothSocket |
ShadowBroadcastPendingResult |
ShadowBroadcastReceiver |
ShadowBroadcastResponseStats |
ShadowBugreportManager |
ShadowBuild |
ShadowCall |
Robolectric test for Call .
ShadowCall.ShadowRttCall |
ShadowCallLogCalls |
Shadow for the system's CallLog.Call class that allows tests to configure the most recent call.
ShadowCallScreeningService |
ShadowCallScreeningService.RespondToCallInput |
ShadowCamcorderProfile |
Shadow of the CamcorderProfile that allows the caller to add custom profile settings.
ShadowCamera |
ShadowCamera.ShadowParameters |
Shadows the Android Camera.Parameters class.
ShadowCamera.ShadowSize |
ShadowCameraCaptureSessionImpl |
Shadow class for CameraCaptureSessionImpl
ShadowCameraCharacteristics |
ShadowCameraDeviceImpl |
Shadow class for CameraDeviceImpl
ShadowCameraManager |
ShadowCameraManager.ShadowCameraManagerGlobal |
Shadow class for internal class CameraManager$CameraManagerGlobal
ShadowCameraMetadataNative |
Shadow class for CameraMetadataNative
ShadowCameraMetadataNativeR |
Shadow class for CameraMetadataNative
ShadowCanvas |
Base class for Canvas shadow classes.
ShadowCanvas.ArcPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.CirclePaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.LinePaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.OvalPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.Picker |
ShadowCanvas.RectPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.RoundRectPaintHistoryEvent |
Captures round rectangle drawing events
ShadowCanvas.TextHistoryEvent |
ShadowCaptioningManager |
ShadowCaptureRequestBuilder |
ShadowCaptureResult |
ShadowCardEmulation |
ShadowCarrierConfigManager |
ShadowChoreographer |
ShadowChoreographer.Picker |
ShadowClipboardManager |
ShadowCloseGuard |
ShadowColor |
ShadowColorDisplayManager |
ShadowColorSpaceRgb |
ShadowCompanionDeviceManager |
Shadow for CompanionDeviceManager.
ShadowCompatibility |
Robolectric shadow to disable CALL_ACTIVITY_RESULT_BEFORE_RESUME using Compatibility's
ShadowCompoundButton |
ShadowConnection |
Shadow for Connection that represents a phone call or connection to a remote endpoint
that carries voice and/or video traffic.
ShadowConnectivityManager |
ShadowContentCaptureManager |
A Shadow for android.view.contentcapture.ContentCaptureManager added in Android R.
ShadowContentProvider |
ShadowContentProviderClient |
ShadowContentProviderOperation |
ShadowContentProviderResult |
ShadowContentResolver |
ShadowContentResolver.DeleteStatement |
ShadowContentResolver.InsertStatement |
ShadowContentResolver.NotifiedUri |
ShadowContentResolver.Statement |
ShadowContentResolver.Status |
ShadowContentResolver.UpdateStatement |
ShadowContentUris |
ShadowContextHubClient |
Shadow for ContextHubClient .
ShadowContextHubManager |
Shadow for ContextHubManager .
ShadowContextImpl |
ShadowContextThemeWrapper |
ShadowContextWrapper |
ShadowCookieManager |
ShadowCookieSyncManager |
ShadowCountDownTimer |
ShadowCrossProfileApps |
ShadowCrossProfileApps.StartedActivity |
ShadowCrossProfileApps.StartedMainActivity |
ShadowCursorWindow |
ShadowCursorWindow.Picker |
ShadowCursorWrapper |
ShadowDateIntervalFormat |
ShadowDatePickerDialog |
ShadowDateUtils |
ShadowDebug |
ShadowDeviceConfig |
ShadowDevicePolicyManager |
ShadowDevicePolicyResourcesManager |
ShadowDexFile |
Shadow implementation of dalvik.system.Dexfile.
ShadowDialog |
ShadowDiscoverySession |
ShadowDisplay |
It is possible to override some display properties using setters on ShadowDisplay .
ShadowDisplayEventReceiver |
ShadowDisplayHashManager |
ShadowDisplayListCanvas |
Shadow for android.view.DisplayListCanvas from API versions M to R
ShadowDisplayManager |
For tests, display properties may be changed and devices may be added or removed
ShadowDisplayManager.ModeBuilder |
ShadowDisplayManagerGlobal |
ShadowDownloadManager |
ShadowDownloadManager.CompletedDownload |
Value class to represent a "completed download" sent to DownloadManager using the
addCompletedDownload APIs.
ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowQuery |
ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowRequest |
ShadowDrawable |
ShadowDropBoxManager |
Fake dropbox manager that starts with no entries.
ShadowDynamicsProcessing |
ShadowEdgeEffect |
ShadowEGL14 |
Shadow for EGL14.
ShadowEnvironment |
ShadowEnvironment.ShadowUserEnvironment |
ShadowEuiccManager |
ShadowEventLog |
ShadowEventLog.EventBuilder |
ShadowEventLog.ShadowEvent |
ShadowFileObserver |
A shadow implementation of FileObserver that uses java.nio.file.WatchService.
ShadowFileUtils |
ShadowFilter |
ShadowFingerprintManager |
ShadowFloatMath |
ShadowFont |
Shadow for Font for Android S
ShadowFontBuilder |
ShadowFontFamily |
ShadowFontsContract |
ShadowFontsFontFamily |
ShadowFontsFontFamily.ShadowFontsFontFamilyBuilder |
ShadowGeocoder |
ShadowGestureDetector |
ShadowGLES20 |
ShadowGLSurfaceView |
Fake implementation of GLSurfaceView
ShadowGradientDrawable |
ShadowHardwareBuffer |
Shadow of android.hardware.HardwareBuffer.
ShadowHardwareRenderer |
ShadowHttpResponseCache |
ShadowIAppOpsService |
ShadowIAppOpsService.ShadowStub |
ShadowIcon |
ShadowICU |
ShadowImageDecoder |
ShadowImageReader |
ShadowImageReader.ShadowSurfaceImage |
ShadowImeTracingClientImpl |
ShadowImsMmTelManager |
Supports IMS by default.
ShadowInCallAdapter |
ShadowInCallService |
ShadowIncidentManager |
ShadowInetAddressUtils |
Shadow InetAddressUtils class that doesn't use native Libcore function.
ShadowInputDevice |
ShadowInputEvent |
ShadowInputEventReceiver |
ShadowInputManager |
ShadowInputMethodManager |
ShadowInsetsController |
Intercepts calls to [InsetsController] to monitor system bars functionality (hide/show).
ShadowInstrumentation |
ShadowIntent |
ShadowIntentService |
ShadowIoUtils |
ShadowIsoDep |
Extends IsoDep to allow for testing.
ShadowJobScheduler |
ShadowJobScheduler.ShadowJobSchedulerImpl |
ShadowJobService |
ShadowJsPromptResult |
ShadowJsResult |
ShadowKeyCharacterMap |
ShadowKeyguardManager |
ShadowKeyguardManager.ShadowKeyguardLock |
ShadowLauncherApps |
ShadowLegacyApkAssets |
Shadow for ApkAssets that is used for legacy resources.
ShadowLegacyAssetInputStream |
ShadowLegacyAssetManager |
ShadowLegacyAsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result> |
A AsyncTask shadow for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY .
ShadowLegacyAsyncTaskLoader<D> |
ShadowLegacyBitmap |
ShadowLegacyCanvas |
ShadowLegacyChoreographer |
ShadowLegacyCursorWindow |
Legacy shadow for CursowWindow .
ShadowLegacyLooper |
The shadow Looper implementation for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY .
ShadowLegacyMatrix |
ShadowLegacyMessage |
The shadow Message for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY .
ShadowLegacyMessageQueue |
ShadowLegacyPath |
The shadow only supports straight-line paths.
ShadowLegacyResourcesImpl |
ShadowLegacyResourcesImpl.ShadowLegacyThemeImpl |
ShadowLegacySQLiteConnection |
ShadowLegacySystemClock |
A shadow SystemClock for LooperMode.Mode.LEGACY
ShadowLegacyTypeface |
ShadowLegacyTypeface.ShadowBuilder |
ShadowLibcoreOsConstants |
Implements OsConstants on APIs 20 and below.
ShadowLinearLayout |
ShadowLineBreaker |
Shadow for
ShadowLinkMovementMethod |
ShadowLinux |
ShadowListPopupWindow |
ShadowListView |
ShadowLoadedApk |
ShadowLocaleData |
Robolectric only supports en_US regardless of the default locale set in the JVM.
ShadowLocaleList |
ShadowLocaleManager |
ShadowLocationManager |
ShadowLocationManager.ProviderProperties |
ProviderProperties is not public prior to S, so a new class is required to represent it prior
to that platform.
ShadowLocationManager.RoboLocationRequest |
LocationRequest doesn't exist prior to Kitkat, and is not public prior to S, so a new class is
required to represent it prior to those platforms.
ShadowLog |
Controls the behavior of Log and provides access to log messages.
ShadowLog.LogItem |
A single log item.
ShadowLooper |
The base shadow API class for controlling Loopers.
ShadowLooper.Picker |
ShadowMagnificationController |
Shadow of MagnificationController.
ShadowMatrix |
ShadowMatrix.Picker |
ShadowMeasuredParagraph |
ShadowMeasuredTextBuilder |
ShadowMediaActionSound |
ShadowMediaCodec |
Implementation of MediaCodec which supports both asynchronous and
synchronous modes.
ShadowMediaCodec.CodecConfig |
Configuration that can be supplied to ShadowMediaCodec to simulate actual
ShadowMediaCodec.ShadowCodecBuffer |
Shadows CodecBuffer to prevent attempting to free non-direct ByteBuffer objects.
ShadowMediaCodecList |
ShadowMediaController |
ShadowMediaExtractor |
A shadow for the MediaExtractor class.
ShadowMediaMetadataRetriever |
ShadowMediaMuxer |
Implementation of MediaMuxer which directly passes input bytes to the
specified file, with no modification.
ShadowMediaPlayer |
Automated testing of media playback can be a difficult thing - especially testing that your code
properly handles asynchronous errors and events.
ShadowMediaPlayer.MediaInfo |
Class specifying information for an emulated media object.
ShadowMediaRecorder |
ShadowMediaRouter |
ShadowMediaScannerConnection |
ShadowMediaSession |
ShadowMediaSessionManager |
ShadowMediaStore |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages.ShadowMedia |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages.ShadowThumbnails |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowVideo |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowVideo.ShadowThumbnails |
ShadowMemoryMappedFile |
This is used by Android to load and inferFromValue time zone information.
ShadowMemoryMappedFile.RoboBufferIterator |
ShadowMemoryMappedFileS |
Fork of ShadowMemoryMappedFile to adjust to changed package names of MemoryMappedFile in S.
ShadowMemoryMappedFileS.RoboBufferIterator |
ShadowMessage |
ShadowMessage.Picker |
The shadow Picker for this class
ShadowMessageQueue |
ShadowMessageQueue.Picker |
The shadow Picker for this class.
ShadowMessenger |
ShadowMimeTypeMap |
ShadowMotionEvent |
Shadow of MotionEvent.
ShadowNativeAllocationRegistry |
Shadow for NativeAllocationRegistry that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeAllocationRegistry.Picker |
Shadow picker for NativeAllocationRegistry .
ShadowNativeAnimatedImageDrawable |
ShadowNativeAnimatedImageDrawable.Picker |
ShadowNativeAnimatedVectorDrawable |
ShadowNativeAnimatedVectorDrawable.Picker |
ShadowNativeBaseCanvas |
Shadow for BaseCanvas that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeBaseCanvas.Picker |
ShadowNativeBaseRecordingCanvas |
ShadowNativeBaseRecordingCanvas.Picker |
ShadowNativeBitmap |
Shadow for Bitmap that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeBitmapDrawable |
Disable the legacy ShadowBitmapDrawable as it fakes the draw logic.
ShadowNativeBitmapDrawable.Picker |
ShadowNativeBitmapFactory |
ShadowNativeBitmapFactory.Picker |
ShadowNativeBitmapShader |
ShadowNativeBitmapShader.Picker |
ShadowNativeBlendModeColorFilter |
ShadowNativeBlendModeColorFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeBlurMaskFilter |
ShadowNativeBlurMaskFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeCanvas |
Shadow for Canvas that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeCanvasProperty<T> |
ShadowNativeCanvasProperty.Picker |
ShadowNativeColor |
Shadow for Color that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeColor.Picker |
ShadowNativeColorFilter |
ShadowNativeColorFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeColorMatrixColorFilter |
ShadowNativeColorMatrixColorFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeColorSpaceRgb |
ShadowNativeColorSpaceRgb.Picker |
ShadowNativeComposePathEffect |
ShadowNativeComposePathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeComposeShader |
ShadowNativeComposeShader.Picker |
ShadowNativeCornerPathEffect |
ShadowNativeCornerPathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeCursorWindow |
ShadowNativeDashPathEffect |
ShadowNativeDashPathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeDiscretePathEffect |
ShadowNativeDiscretePathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeDisplayListCanvas |
Shadow for android.view.DisplayListCanvas that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeDisplayListCanvas.Picker |
Shadow picker for android.view.DisplayListCanvas .
ShadowNativeEmbossMaskFilter |
ShadowNativeEmbossMaskFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeFont |
Shadow for Font that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeFont.Picker |
ShadowNativeFont.ShadowNativeFontBuilder |
ShadowNativeFont.ShadowNativeFontBuilder.Picker |
ShadowNativeFontFamily |
Shadow for FontFamily that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeFontFamily.Picker |
ShadowNativeFontFileUtil |
ShadowNativeFontFileUtil.Picker |
ShadowNativeFontsFontFamily |
Shadow for FontFamily that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeFontsFontFamily.Picker |
ShadowNativeFontsFontFamily.ShadowNativeFontFamilyBuilder |
ShadowNativeFontsFontFamily.ShadowNativeFontFamilyBuilder.Picker |
ShadowNativeHardwareRenderer |
ShadowNativeHardwareRenderer.Picker |
ShadowNativeHardwareRendererObserver |
ShadowNativeHardwareRendererObserver.Picker |
ShadowNativeImageDecoder |
ShadowNativeImageDecoder.Picker |
ShadowNativeInterpolator |
ShadowNativeInterpolator.Picker |
ShadowNativeLightingColorFilter |
ShadowNativeLightingColorFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeLinearGradient |
ShadowNativeLinearGradient.Picker |
ShadowNativeLineBreaker |
ShadowNativeLineBreaker.Picker |
ShadowNativeMaskFilter |
Shadow for MaskFilter that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeMaskFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeMatrix |
Shadow for Matrix that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeMeasuredParagraph |
ShadowNativeMeasuredParagraph.Picker |
ShadowNativeMeasuredText |
ShadowNativeMeasuredText.Picker |
ShadowNativeMeasuredText.ShadowNativeMeasuredTextBuilder |
ShadowNativeMeasuredText.ShadowNativeMeasuredTextBuilder.Picker |
ShadowNativeNativeInterpolatorFactory |
Shadow for NativeInterpolatorFactory that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeNativeInterpolatorFactory.Picker |
Shadow picker for NativeInterpolatorFactory .
ShadowNativeNinePatch |
Shadow for NinePatch that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeNinePatch.Picker |
ShadowNativePaint |
Shadow for Paint that is backed by native code
ShadowNativePaint.Picker |
ShadowNativePath |
Shadow for Path that is backed by native code
ShadowNativePathDashPathEffect |
ShadowNativePathDashPathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativePathEffect |
Shadow for PathEffect that is backed by native code
ShadowNativePathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativePathMeasure |
ShadowNativePathMeasure.Picker |
ShadowNativePathParser |
Shadow for PathParser that is backed by native code
ShadowNativePathParser.Picker |
ShadowNativePicture |
Shadow for Picture that is backed by native code
ShadowNativePicture.Picker |
ShadowNativePluralRules |
ShadowNativePorterDuffColorFilter |
ShadowNativePorterDuffColorFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativePropertyValuesHolder |
ShadowNativePropertyValuesHolder.Picker |
ShadowNativeRadialGradient |
ShadowNativeRadialGradient.Picker |
ShadowNativeRecordingCanvas |
ShadowNativeRecordingCanvas.Picker |
ShadowNativeRegion |
Shadow for Region that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeRegion.Picker |
ShadowNativeRegionIterator |
ShadowNativeRegionIterator.Picker |
ShadowNativeRenderEffect |
ShadowNativeRenderEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeRenderNode |
Shadow for RenderNode that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeRenderNode.Picker |
ShadowNativeRenderNodeAnimator |
Shadow for RenderNodeAnimator that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeRenderNodeAnimator.Picker |
Shadow picker for RenderNodeAnimator .
ShadowNativeRenderNodeAnimatorQ |
ShadowNativeRenderNodeAnimatorQ.Picker |
ShadowNativeRenderNodeOP |
Shadow for RenderNode that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeRenderNodeOP.Picker |
ShadowNativeRuntimeShader |
ShadowNativeRuntimeShader.Picker |
ShadowNativeShader |
Shadow for Shader that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeShader.Picker |
ShadowNativeSQLiteConnection |
ShadowNativeStaticLayout |
Shadow for StaticLayout that is backed by native code for Android O-P.
ShadowNativeStaticLayout.Picker |
ShadowNativeSumPathEffect |
ShadowNativeSumPathEffect.Picker |
ShadowNativeSurface |
Shadow for Surface that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeSurface.Picker |
ShadowNativeSweepGradient |
ShadowNativeSweepGradient.Picker |
ShadowNativeSystemFonts |
Shadow for SystemFonts for the Robolectric native runtime.
ShadowNativeSystemFonts.Picker |
ShadowNativeTableMaskFilter |
ShadowNativeTableMaskFilter.Picker |
ShadowNativeThreadedRenderer |
ShadowNativeThreadedRenderer.Picker |
ShadowNativeTypeface |
Shadow for Typeface that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeTypeface.ShadowNativeTypefaceBuilder |
ShadowNativeTypeface.ShadowNativeTypefaceBuilder.Picker |
ShadowNativeVectorDrawable |
ShadowNativeVectorDrawable.Picker |
ShadowNativeVirtualRefBasePtr |
Shadow for VirtualRefBasePtr that is backed by native code
ShadowNativeVirtualRefBasePtr.Picker |
Shadow picker for VirtualRefBasePtr .
ShadowNetwork |
ShadowNetworkCapabilities |
Robolectic provides overrides for fetching and updating transport.
ShadowNetworkInfo |
ShadowNetworkScoreManager |
ShadowNfcAdapter |
ShadowNinePatch |
ShadowNoopNativeAllocationRegistry |
Shadow for NativeAllocationRegistry that is a no-op.
ShadowNotification |
ShadowNotificationListenerService |
ShadowNotificationManager |
Shadows for NotificationManager.
ShadowNsdManager |
ShadowNumberPicker |
ShadowOpenGLMatrix |
ShadowOs |
A Shadow for android.system.Os
ShadowOsConstants |
ShadowOverlayConfig |
Shadow for OverlayConfig .
ShadowPackageBackwardCompatibility |
Shadow of PackageBackwardCompatibility to handle a scenario that can come up when
multiple Android versions end up on the classpath
ShadowPackageInstaller |
Shadow for PackageInstaller.
ShadowPackageInstaller.ShadowSession |
ShadowPackageInstaller.ShadowSessionInfo |
Shadow for PackageInstaller.SessionInfo.
ShadowPackageManager |
ShadowPackageManager.ComponentState |
ShadowPackageManager.IntentComparator |
ShadowPackageManager.PackageSetting |
Settings for a particular package.
ShadowPackageParser |
ShadowPaint |
ShadowParcel |
Robolectric's Parcel pretends to be backed by a byte buffer, closely matching Parcel 's position, size, and capacity behavior.
ShadowParcelFileDescriptor |
ShadowPath |
ShadowPath.Picker |
ShadowPath.Point |
ShadowPathMeasure |
ShadowPathParser |
ShadowPathParser.PathDataNode |
ShadowPausedAsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result> |
A AsyncTask shadow for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED
ShadowPausedAsyncTaskLoader<D> |
ShadowPausedChoreographer |
ShadowPausedLooper |
The shadow Looper for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED .
ShadowPausedMessage |
The shadow Message for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED .
ShadowPausedMessageQueue |
The shadow MessageQueue} for LooperMode.Mode.PAUSED
ShadowPausedSystemClock |
ShadowPeerHandle |
ShadowPendingIntent |
ShadowPhone |
ShadowPhoneWindow |
Shadow for PhoneWindow for APIs 23+
ShadowPhoneWindowFor22 |
Shadow for the API 16-22
ShadowPicture |
ShadowPixelCopy |
Shadow for PixelCopy that uses View.draw to create screenshots.
ShadowPlayerBase |
ShadowPolicyManager |
ShadowPopupMenu |
ShadowPopupWindow |
ShadowPorterDuffColorFilter |
ShadowPosix |
Shadow for Posix
ShadowPowerManager |
Shadow of PowerManager
ShadowPowerManager.ShadowWakeLock |
ShadowPrecomputedText |
ShadowPreference |
ShadowProcess |
ShadowProgressDialog |
ShadowPropertyValuesHolder |
ShadowQueuedWork |
ShadowQuickAccessWalletService |
ShadowRangingResult |
ShadowRangingResult.Builder |
A builder for creating ShadowRangingResults.
ShadowRangingSession |
Adds Robolectric support for UWB ranging.
ShadowRanking |
ShadowRcsUceAdapter |
ShadowRcsUceAdapter.CapabilityFailureInfo |
A data class holding the info for a failed capabilities exchange
ShadowRecordingCanvas |
ShadowRegion |
ShadowRemoteCallbackList<E extends IInterface> |
ShadowRenderNode |
ShadowRenderNodeAnimator |
ShadowRenderNodeAnimatorR |
Copy of ShadowRenderNodeAnimator that reflects move of RenderNodeAnimator to in
ShadowRenderNodeQ |
ShadowResolveInfo |
ShadowResources |
ShadowResources.ShadowLegacyTheme |
ShadowResources.ShadowNotFoundException |
ShadowResources.ShadowTheme |
ShadowResources.ShadowTheme.Picker |
ShadowResourcesImpl |
ShadowResourcesImpl.Picker |
ShadowResourcesImpl.ShadowThemeImpl |
ShadowResourcesImpl.ShadowThemeImpl.Picker |
ShadowResourcesManager |
ShadowRestrictionsManager |
ShadowResultReceiver |
ShadowRingtoneManager |
ShadowRoleControllerManager |
ShadowRoleManager |
ShadowRollbackManager |
A Shadow for android.content.rollback.RollbackManager added in Android Q.
ShadowRotationWatcher |
Shadow for RotationWatcher for API 23+
ShadowRotationWatcherFor22 |
Shadow for RotationWatcher for API 16-22
ShadowSafetyCenterManager |
Shadow for SafetyCenterManager .
ShadowScaleGestureDetector |
ShadowScanResult |
ShadowScrollView |
ShadowSearchManager |
ShadowSeekBar |
ShadowSensor |
ShadowSensorManager |
ShadowService |
ShadowServiceManager |
ShadowSettings |
ShadowSettings.ShadowGlobal |
ShadowSettings.ShadowSecure |
ShadowSettings.ShadowSystem |
ShadowSharedMemory |
ShadowSharedPreferences |
Placeholder container class for nested shadow class
ShadowSharedPreferences.ShadowSharedPreferencesEditorImpl |
ShadowShortcutManager |
ShadowSigningInfo |
ShadowSliceManager |
ShadowSmsManager |
ShadowSmsManager.DataMessageParams |
ShadowSmsManager.DownloadMultimediaMessageParams |
ShadowSmsManager.MultimediaMessageParams |
ShadowSmsManager.SendMultimediaMessageParams |
ShadowSmsManager.TextMultipartParams |
ShadowSmsManager.TextSmsParams |
ShadowSocketTagger |
ShadowSoftKeyboardController |
Shadow of SoftKeyboardController.
ShadowSoundPool |
ShadowSoundPool.Playback |
ShadowSoundTriggerManager |
A Shadow SoundTriggerManager in Android O+.
ShadowSpeechRecognizer |
Robolectric shadow for SpeechRecognizer.
ShadowSpellChecker |
ShadowSQLiteConnection |
ShadowSQLiteConnection.Picker |
ShadowSQLiteOpenHelper |
Avoid calls to setIdleConnectionTimeout.
ShadowSslErrorHandler |
ShadowStateListDrawable |
ShadowStatFs |
Robolectic doesn't provide actual filesystem stats; rather, it provides the ability to specify
stats values in advance.
ShadowStaticLayout |
Shadow for android.text.StaticLayout
ShadowStatsLog |
ShadowStatsLog.StatsLogItem |
Single atom log item for write api.
ShadowStatusBarManager |
ShadowStorageManager |
ShadowStorageStatsManager |
ShadowStrictModeVmPolicy |
ShadowStringBlock |
ShadowSubscriptionManager |
ShadowSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionInfoBuilder |
ShadowSurface |
ShadowSurfaceControl |
ShadowSurfaceTexture |
ShadowSurfaceView |
ShadowSurfaceView.FakeSurfaceHolder |
ShadowSuspendDialogInfo |
ShadowSystem |
ShadowSystemClock |
ShadowSystemClock.Picker |
ShadowSystemFonts |
ShadowSystemProperties |
ShadowSystemServiceRegistry |
ShadowSystemVibrator |
ShadowTabActivity |
ShadowTabHost |
ShadowTabHost.ShadowTabSpec |
ShadowTabWidget |
ShadowTelecomManager |
ShadowTelecomManager.CallRecord |
ShadowTelecomManager.IncomingCallRecord |
ShadowTelecomManager.OutgoingCallRecord |
ShadowTelecomManager.UnknownCallRecord |
ShadowTelephony |
ShadowTelephony.ShadowSms |
ShadowTelephonyFrameworkInitializer |
ShadowTelephonyManager |
ShadowTelephonyManager.VisualVoicemailSmsParams |
ShadowTextToSpeech |
ShadowTextUtils |
Implement by truncating the text.
ShadowTextView |
ShadowThreadedRenderer |
ShadowTile |
ShadowTileService |
ShadowTime |
ShadowTimeManager |
Shadow for internal Android TimeManager class introduced in S.
ShadowTimePickerDialog |
ShadowTimeZoneFinder |
Shadow of TimeZoneFinder for Android O and P.
ShadowTimeZoneFinderQ |
Shadow for TimeZoneFinder on Q after Developer Preview 1.
ShadowTimeZoneFinderS |
Shadow for TimeZoneFinder on S or above.
ShadowToast |
ShadowToneGenerator |
Shadow of ToneGenerator.
ShadowToneGenerator.Tone |
Stores data about a tone played by the ToneGenerator
ShadowTotalCaptureResult |
ShadowTouchDelegate |
ShadowTrace |
Shadow implementation for Trace , which stores the traces locally in arrays (unlike the
real implementation) and allows reading them.
ShadowTrace.AsyncTraceSection |
AutoValue representation of a trace triggered by one of the async apis
ShadowTrace.AsyncTraceSection.Builder |
Builder for traces triggered by one of the async apis
ShadowTrace.Counter |
Counters emitted with the setCounter API
ShadowTrace.Counter.Builder |
Builder for counters emitted with the setCounter API
ShadowTrafficStats |
ShadowTranslationManager |
ShadowTypedArray |
ShadowTypedArray.Picker |
ShadowTypeface |
ShadowTypeface.FontDesc |
Contains data about a font.
ShadowTypeface.Picker |
ShadowUiAutomation |
ShadowUIModeManager |
ShadowUsageStatsManager |
ShadowUsageStatsManager.AppUsageLimitObserver |
ShadowUsageStatsManager.AppUsageObserver |
ShadowUsageStatsManager.EventBuilder |
ShadowUsageStatsManager.UsageSessionObserver |
Usage session observer registered via UsageStatsManager#registerUsageSessionObserver(int, String[], long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit,
PendingIntent, PendingIntent) .
ShadowUsageStatsManager.UsageStatsBuilder |
ShadowUsbDeviceConnection |
ShadowUsbManager |
ShadowUsbRequest |
ShadowUserManager |
ShadowUwbAdapterStateListener |
Adds Robolectric support for UWB adapter state listener methods.
ShadowUwbManager |
Adds Robolectric support for UWB ranging.
ShadowValueAnimator |
ShadowVcnManager |
A Shadow for added in Android S.
ShadowVectorDrawable |
ShadowVelocityTracker |
ShadowVibrator |
ShadowVibrator.PrimitiveEffect |
A data class for exposing VibrationEffect.Composition$PrimitiveEffect , which is a
hidden non TestApi class introduced in Android R.
ShadowVideoView |
ShadowView |
ShadowView.WindowIdHelper |
ShadowViewAnimator |
ShadowViewConfiguration |
ShadowViewGroup |
ShadowViewRootImpl |
ShadowVirtualRefBasePtr |
ShadowVisualizer |
ShadowVisualVoicemailSms |
ShadowVisualVoicemailTask |
ShadowVMRuntime |
ShadowVoiceInteractionService |
ShadowVoiceInteractionSession |
ShadowVoiceInteractor |
ShadowVpnService |
ShadowWallpaperManager |
ShadowWallpaperManager.WallpaperCommandRecord |
ShadowWebSettings |
Shadow of WebSettings which returns a dummy user a stub instance rather than the
User-Agent used by a WebView.
ShadowWebStorage |
Shadow of WebStorage which constructs a stub instance rather than attempting to create a
full Chromium-backed instance.
ShadowWebSyncManager |
ShadowWebView |
ShadowWebView.LoadData |
ShadowWebView.LoadDataWithBaseURL |
ShadowWebViewDatabase |
ShadowWifiAwareManager |
ShadowWifiConfiguration |
ShadowWifiInfo |
ShadowWifiManager |
ShadowWifiManager.ShadowMulticastLock |
ShadowWifiManager.ShadowWifiLock |
ShadowWifiManager.WifiUsabilityScore |
Class to record scores passed to WifiManager#updateWifiUsabilityScore
ShadowWifiP2pGroup |
ShadowWifiP2pManager |
ShadowWifiRttManager |
ShadowWindow |
ShadowWindowManager |
ShadowWindowManagerGlobal |
ShadowWindowManagerImpl |
ShadowWindowManagerImpl.ShadowCompatModeWrapper |
ShadowXmlBlock |
ShadowXmlBlock.ShadowParser |
Shadow of XmlBlock.Parser.
ShadowZoomButtonsController |
SharedLibraryInfoBuilder |
SQLiteShadowPicker<T> |
A ShadowPicker that selects between shadows given the SQLite mode
StorageVolumeBuilder |
StreamConfigurationMapBuilder |
Builder for StreamConfigurationMap
UiccCardInfoBuilder |
Builder for UiccCardInfo which includes modifications made in Android T to support MEP.
UiccPortInfoBuilder |
UiccSlotInfoBuilder |
VibrationAttributesBuilder |
WifiUsabilityStatsEntryBuilder |