CachedPathIteratorFactory |
Class that returns iterators for a given path.
ClassNameResolver<T> |
Converter<T> |
Converter.FromArray |
Converter.FromAttrData |
Converter.FromCharSequence |
Converter.FromColor |
Converter.FromFilePath |
Converter2<T> |
Converter2.FromCharSequence |
Converter2.FromColor |
ImageUtil |
LegacyManifestParser |
NativeAndroidInput |
Java representation of framework native system headers Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27) frameworks/native/include/android/Input.h
NativeBitSet64 |
Transliteration of native BitSet64.
NativeInput |
Java representation of framework native input Transliterated from oreo-mr1 (SDK 27) frameworks/native/include/input/Input.h and libs/input/Input.cpp
ResourceHelper |
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
ResourceHelper2 |
Helper class to provide various conversion method used in handling android resources.
ResourceModeShadowPicker<T> |
RoboLayoutInflater |
RoundRectangle |
Defines a rectangle with rounded corners, where the sizes of the corners are potentially different.
ShadowAbsListView |
ShadowAbsSeekBar |
ShadowAbsSpinner |
ShadowAbstractCursor |
ShadowAccessibilityManager |
ShadowAccessibilityNodeInfo |
Properties of AccessibilityNodeInfo that are normally locked may be changed using test APIs.
ShadowAccessibilityNodeInfo.ShadowAccessibilityAction |
Shadow of AccessibilityAction.
ShadowAccessibilityRecord |
Shadow of AccessibilityRecord .
ShadowAccessibilityService |
Shadow of AccessibilityService that saves global actions to a list.
ShadowAccessibilityWindowInfo |
Shadow of AccessibilityWindowInfo that allows a test to set properties that are locked in the original class.
ShadowAccountManager |
ShadowActivity |
ShadowActivity.IntentForResult |
Container object to hold an Intent, together with the requestCode used in a call to Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
ShadowActivityGroup |
ShadowActivityManager |
ShadowActivityManagerNative |
ShadowActivityThread |
ShadowAdapterView<T extends android.widget.Adapter> |
ShadowAlarmManager |
ShadowAlarmManager.ScheduledAlarm |
Container object to hold a PendingIntent and parameters describing when to send it.
ShadowAlertController |
ShadowAlertDialog |
ShadowAlertDialog.ShadowBuilder |
ShadowAndroidBidi |
ShadowAndroidHttpClient |
ShadowAnimationBridge |
Bridge between shadows and Animation .
ShadowAnimationUtils |
ShadowApkAssets |
ShadowApkAssets.Picker |
ShadowApplication |
ShadowApplication.Wrapper |
ShadowApplicationPackageManager |
ShadowAppOpsManager |
Shadow for the AppOpsManager .
ShadowAppOpsManager.ModeAndException |
Class holding usage mode and excpetion packages.
ShadowAppTask |
ShadowAppWidgetHost |
ShadowAppWidgetHostView |
ShadowAppWidgetManager |
ShadowArrayAdapter<T> |
ShadowArscApkAssets9 |
ShadowArscAssetInputStream |
ShadowArscAssetManager |
ShadowArscAssetManager9 |
ShadowArscResourcesImpl |
ShadowAssetInputStream |
ShadowAssetInputStream.Picker |
ShadowAssetManager |
ShadowAssetManager.ArscBase |
ShadowAssetManager.Picker |
ShadowAsyncQueryHandler |
Shadow of AsyncQueryHandler , which calls methods synchronously.
ShadowAsyncTask<Params,Progress,Result> |
ShadowAsyncTaskBridge<Params,Progress,Result> |
Bridge between shadows and AsyncTask .
ShadowAsyncTaskLoader<D> |
ShadowAudioEffect |
ShadowAudioManager |
ShadowAudioManager.AudioFocusRequest |
ShadowAutofillManager |
Robolectric implementation of android.os.AutofillManager .
ShadowBackgroundThread |
ShadowBackupManager |
A stub implementation of BackupManager that instead of connecting to a real backup transport and performing restores, stores which packages are restored from which backup set, and can be verified using methods on the shadow like ShadowBackupManager.getPackageRestoreToken(String) .
ShadowBaseAdapter |
ShadowBatteryManager |
ShadowBinder |
ShadowBinderBridge |
Bridge between shadow and Binder .
ShadowBitmap |
ShadowBitmapDrawable |
ShadowBitmapFactory |
ShadowBitmapRegionDecoder |
ShadowBitmapShader |
ShadowBlockGuardOs |
ShadowBluetoothAdapter |
ShadowBluetoothDevice |
ShadowBluetoothGatt |
Shadow for BluetoothGatt .
ShadowBluetoothManager |
ShadowBluetoothServerSocket |
Shadow for BluetoothServerSocket .
ShadowBroadcastPendingResult |
ShadowBroadcastReceiver |
ShadowBuild |
ShadowCamera |
ShadowCamera.ShadowParameters |
Shadows the Android Camera.Parameters class.
ShadowCamera.ShadowSize |
ShadowCameraCharacteristics |
Shadow for CameraCharacteristics .
ShadowCameraManager |
Shadow for CameraManager .
ShadowCanvas |
ShadowCanvas.ArcPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.CirclePaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.LinePaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.OvalPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.RectPaintHistoryEvent |
ShadowCanvas.TextHistoryEvent |
ShadowCaptioningManager |
Shadow of CaptioningManager .
ShadowCarrierConfigManager |
Shadow for CarrierConfigManager .
ShadowChoreographer |
Robolectric maintains its own concept of the current time from the Choreographer’s point of view, aimed at making animations work correctly.
ShadowClipboardManager |
ShadowColor |
ShadowColorMatrixColorFilter |
ShadowCompoundButton |
ShadowConnectivityManager |
ShadowContentObserver |
ShadowContentProvider |
ShadowContentProviderClient |
ShadowContentProviderOperation |
ShadowContentProviderResult |
ShadowContentResolver |
ShadowContentResolver.DeleteStatement |
A statement used to delete content in a ContentProvider .
ShadowContentResolver.InsertStatement |
A statement used to insert content into a ContentProvider .
ShadowContentResolver.NotifiedUri |
ShadowContentResolver.Statement |
A statement used to modify content in a ContentProvider .
ShadowContentResolver.Status |
ShadowContentResolver.UpdateStatement |
A statement used to update content in a ContentProvider .
ShadowContentUris |
ShadowContextImpl |
ShadowContextThemeWrapper |
ShadowContextWrapper |
ShadowCookieManager |
ShadowCookieSyncManager |
ShadowCornerPathEffect |
ShadowCountDownTimer |
ShadowCursorWindow |
ShadowCursorWrapper |
ShadowDashPathEffect |
ShadowDateFormat |
ShadowDateIntervalFormat |
ShadowDatePickerDialog |
ShadowDebug |
ShadowDevicePolicyManager |
Shadow for DevicePolicyManager
ShadowDialog |
ShadowDiscoverySession |
Shadow for DiscoverySession .
ShadowDisplay |
It is possible to override some display properties using setters on ShadowDisplay ; however, this behavior is deprecated as of Robolectric 3.6 and will be removed in 3.7.
ShadowDisplayListCanvas |
ShadowDisplayManager |
For tests, display properties may be changed and devices may be added or removed programmatically.
ShadowDisplayManagerGlobal |
ShadowDownloadManager |
ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowQuery |
ShadowDownloadManager.ShadowRequest |
ShadowDrawable |
ShadowDropBoxManager |
Fake dropbox manager that starts with no entries.
ShadowEdgeEffect |
ShadowEnvironment |
ShadowEnvironment.ShadowUserEnvironment |
Shadow for Environment.UserEnvironment
ShadowEuiccManager |
Shadow for EuiccManager .
ShadowEventLog |
ShadowEventLog.EventBuilder |
Class to build EventLog.Event
ShadowEventLog.ShadowEvent |
ShadowExifInterface |
ShadowExpandableListView |
ShadowFileUtils |
ShadowFilter |
ShadowFingerprintManager |
Provides testing APIs for FingerprintManager
ShadowFloatMath |
ShadowFontFamily |
Shadow for FontFamily
ShadowGeocoder |
ShadowGestureDetector |
ShadowGLES20 |
Fake implementation of GLES20
ShadowGLSurfaceView |
Fake implementation of GLSurfaceView
ShadowGradientDrawable |
ShadowHandler |
ShadowHttpResponseCache |
ShadowIAppOpsService |
ShadowIAppOpsService.ShadowStub |
ShadowIcon |
ShadowICU |
ShadowImageDecoder |
ShadowInputDevice |
ShadowInputEvent |
ShadowInputEventReceiver |
ShadowInputManager |
ShadowInputMethodManager |
ShadowInstrumentation |
ShadowIntent |
ShadowIntentService |
ShadowIoUtils |
ShadowJobScheduler |
ShadowJobScheduler.ShadowJobSchedulerImpl |
ShadowJobService |
Shadow for classes that extend jobservice.
ShadowJsPromptResult |
ShadowJsResult |
ShadowKeyCharacterMap |
ShadowKeyguardManager |
ShadowKeyguardManager.ShadowKeyguardLock |
An implementation of KeyguardManager#KeyguardLock , for use in tests.
ShadowLayoutAnimationController |
ShadowLegacyApkAssets |
ShadowLegacyAssetInputStream |
ShadowLegacyAssetManager |
ShadowLegacyResourcesImpl |
ShadowLegacyResourcesImpl.ShadowLegacyThemeImpl |
ShadowLinearGradient |
ShadowLinearLayout |
ShadowLinkMovementMethod |
ShadowLinux |
ShadowListPopupWindow |
ShadowListView |
ShadowLoadedApk |
ShadowLocalActivityManager |
ShadowLocaleData |
Robolectric only supports en_US regardless of the default locale set in the JVM.
ShadowLocationManager |
ShadowLog |
ShadowLog.LogItem |
ShadowLooper |
Robolectric enqueues posted Runnable s to be run (on this thread) later.
ShadowMatrix |
ShadowMeasuredParagraph |
ShadowMediaMetadataRetriever |
ShadowMediaPlayer |
Automated testing of media playback can be a difficult thing - especially testing that your code properly handles asynchronous errors and events.
ShadowMediaPlayer.MediaInfo |
Class specifying information for an emulated media object.
ShadowMediaRecorder |
ShadowMediaRouter |
Shadow class for MediaRouter .
ShadowMediaScannerConnection |
ShadowMediaStore |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages |
ShadowMediaStore.ShadowImages.ShadowMedia |
ShadowMemoryMappedFile |
This is used by Android to load and inferFromValue time zone information.
ShadowMessage |
ShadowMessageQueue |
Robolectric puts Message s into the scheduler queue instead of sending them to be handled on a separate thread.
ShadowMessenger |
ShadowMimeTypeMap |
ShadowMotionEvent |
Shadow of MotionEvent.
ShadowNativeAllocationRegistry |
ShadowNativePluralRules |
ShadowNetwork |
ShadowNetworkInfo |
ShadowNetworkScoreManager |
Provides testing APIs for NetworkScoreManager .
ShadowNfcAdapter |
ShadowNinePatch |
ShadowNotification |
ShadowNotificationManager |
ShadowNsdManager |
Shadow for NsdManager
ShadowNumberPicker |
ShadowObjectAnimator |
ShadowOpenGLMatrix |
ShadowOutline |
ShadowOverScroller |
ShadowPackageInstaller |
ShadowPackageInstaller.ShadowSession |
ShadowPackageManager |
ShadowPackageManager.ComponentState |
ShadowPackageManager.IntentComparator |
ShadowPackageManager.IntentFilterWrapper |
ShadowPackageManager.PackageSetting |
Settings for a particular package.
ShadowPackageParser |
Shadow for PackageParser
ShadowPaint |
ShadowParcel |
ShadowParcelFileDescriptor |
ShadowPath |
The shadow only supports straight-line paths.
ShadowPath.Point |
ShadowPathMeasure |
Shadow for PathMeasure
ShadowPathParser |
ShadowPathParser.PathDataNode |
ShadowPathParser.ShadowPathData |
ShadowPeerHandle |
Shadow for PeerHandle .
ShadowPendingIntent |
ShadowPhoneWindow |
ShadowPhoneWindowFor22 |
ShadowPicture |
ShadowPlayerBase |
ShadowPolicyManager |
ShadowPopupMenu |
ShadowPopupWindow |
ShadowPorterDuffColorFilter |
ShadowPosix |
ShadowPowerManager |
ShadowPowerManager.ShadowWakeLock |
ShadowPrecomputedText |
ShadowPreference |
ShadowProcess |
ShadowProgressBar |
ShadowProgressDialog |
ShadowQueuedWork |
ShadowRegion |
ShadowRelativeLayout |
ShadowRemoteCallbackList<E extends android.os.IInterface> |
ShadowRenderNode |
ShadowRenderNodeAnimator |
ShadowResolveInfo |
ShadowResources |
ShadowResources.ShadowLegacyTheme |
ShadowResources.ShadowNotFoundException |
ShadowResources.ShadowTheme |
ShadowResources.ShadowTheme.Picker |
ShadowResourcesImpl |
ShadowResourcesImpl.Picker |
ShadowResourcesImpl.ShadowThemeImpl |
ShadowResourcesImpl.ShadowThemeImpl.Picker |
ShadowResourcesManager |
ShadowRestrictionsManager |
Shadow of RestrictionsManager .
ShadowResultReceiver |
ShadowScaleGestureDetector |
ShadowScanResult |
ShadowScroller |
ShadowScrollView |
ShadowSearchManager |
ShadowSeekBar |
ShadowSensor |
Shadow for Sensor .
ShadowSensorManager |
ShadowService |
ShadowServiceManager |
ShadowSettings |
ShadowSettings.ShadowGlobal |
Shadow for Settings.Global
ShadowSettings.ShadowSecure |
Shadow for Settings.Secure
ShadowSettings.ShadowSystem |
ShadowSharedMemory |
This is not a faithful “shared” memory implementation.
ShadowSharedPreferences |
Empty Shadow class for SharedPreferences
ShadowSharedPreferences.ShadowSharedPreferencesEditorImpl |
Shadow for SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl
ShadowShortcutManager |
ShadowSmsManager |
ShadowSmsManager.DataMessageParams |
ShadowSmsManager.TextMultipartParams |
ShadowSmsManager.TextSmsParams |
ShadowSocketTagger |
ShadowSoundPool |
ShadowSoundPool.Playback |
Record of a single call to, float, float, int, int, float) .
ShadowSpellChecker |
ShadowSQLiteConnection |
ShadowSQLiteOpenHelper |
Avoid calls to setIdleConnectionTimeout.
ShadowSslErrorHandler |
ShadowStateListDrawable |
ShadowStatFs |
Robolectic doesn’t provide actual filesystem stats; rather, it provides the ability to specify stats values in advance.
ShadowStaticLayout |
ShadowStorageManager |
Fake implementation of StorageManager
ShadowStrictModeVmPolicy |
Shadow for StrictMode.VmPolicy
ShadowStringBlock |
ShadowSubscriptionManager |
Shadow for SubscriptionManager .
ShadowSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionInfoBuilder |
Builder class to create instance of SubscriptionInfo .
ShadowSurface |
ShadowSurfaceView |
ShadowSurfaceView.FakeSurfaceHolder |
Robolectric implementation of SurfaceHolder .
ShadowSystemClock |
Robolectric’s concept of current time is base on the current time of the UI Scheduler for consistency with previous implementations.
ShadowSystemProperties |
ShadowSystemServiceRegistry |
ShadowSystemVibrator |
ShadowTabActivity |
ShadowTabHost |
ShadowTabHost.ShadowTabSpec |
ShadowTabWidget |
ShadowTelecomManager |
ShadowTelecomManager.CallRecord |
ShadowTelephony |
Shadow for Telephony .
ShadowTelephony.ShadowSms |
Shadow for Telephony.Sms .
ShadowTelephonyManager |
ShadowTextPaint |
ShadowTextToSpeech |
ShadowTextUtils |
Implement by truncating the text.
ShadowTextView |
ShadowThreadedRenderer |
ShadowTile |
Shadow for Tile .
ShadowTileService |
Shadow for TileService .
ShadowTime |
ShadowTimePickerDialog |
ShadowTimeZoneFinder |
Shadow for TimeZoneFinder .
ShadowToast |
ShadowTouchDelegate |
ShadowTrafficStats |
ShadowTypedArray |
ShadowTypeface |
ShadowTypeface.FontDesc |
ShadowUsageStatsManager |
Shadow of UsageStatsManager .
ShadowUsageStatsManager.AppUsageObserver |
App usage observer registered via UsageStatsManager.registerAppUsageObserver(int,
String[], long, TimeUnit, PendingIntent) .
ShadowUsageStatsManager.EventBuilder |
Builder for constructing UsageEvents.Event objects.
ShadowUsageStatsManager.UsageStatsBuilder |
Builder for constructing UsageStats objects.
ShadowUsbManager |
Robolectric implementation of UsbManager .
ShadowUserManager |
Robolectric implementation of UserManager .
ShadowValueAnimator |
ShadowVectorDrawable |
ShadowVelocityTracker |
ShadowVibrator |
ShadowVideoView |
ShadowView |
ShadowView.WindowIdHelper |
ShadowViewAnimator |
ShadowViewConfiguration |
ShadowViewGroup |
ShadowViewRootImpl |
ShadowVirtualRefBasePtr |
ShadowVisualVoicemailSms |
ShadowVMRuntime |
ShadowWallpaperManager |
ShadowWebStorage |
Shadow of WebStorage which constructs a stub instance rather than attempting to create a full Chromium-backed instance.
ShadowWebSyncManager |
ShadowWebView |
ShadowWebView.LoadData |
ShadowWebView.LoadDataWithBaseURL |
ShadowWebViewDatabase |
ShadowWifiConfiguration |
ShadowWifiInfo |
ShadowWifiManager |
Shadow for WifiManager .
ShadowWifiManager.ShadowMulticastLock |
ShadowWifiManager.ShadowWifiLock |
ShadowWifiP2pGroup |
ShadowWifiP2pManager |
ShadowWindow |
ShadowWindowManager |
ShadowWindowManagerGlobal |
ShadowWindowManagerImpl |
ShadowWindowManagerImpl.ShadowCompatModeWrapper |
ShadowXmlBlock |
ShadowZoomButtonsController |
StorageVolumeBuilder |
Class to build StorageVolume