Class ShadowMediaMuxer


@Implements( public class ShadowMediaMuxer extends Object
Implementation of MediaMuxer which directly passes input bytes to the specified file, with no modification.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    __constructor__(String path, int format)
    Opens a FileOutputStream for the given path, and sets muxer state.
    protected static int
    nativeAddTrack(long nativeObject, String[] keys, Object[] values)
    Returns an incremented track id for the associated muxer.
    protected static long
    nativeSetup(FileDescriptor fd, int format)
    Generates and returns an internal id to track the FileOutputStream corresponding to individual MediaMuxer instances.
    protected static void
    nativeStop(long nativeObject)
    Closes the FileOutputStream for the associated muxer.
    protected static void
    nativeWriteSampleData(long nativeObject, int trackIndex, ByteBuffer byteBuf, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
    Writes the given data to the FileOutputStream for the associated muxer.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ShadowMediaMuxer

      public ShadowMediaMuxer()
  • Method Details

    • __constructor__

      @Implementation protected void __constructor__(String path, int format) throws IOException
      Opens a FileOutputStream for the given path, and sets muxer state.

      This needs to be shadowed, because the current MediaMuxer constructor opens a RandomAccessFile, passes only the FileDescriptor along, and then closes the file. Since there does not appear to be an easy way to go from FileDescriptor to a writeable stream in Java, this method overrides that behavior to instead open and maintain a FileOutputStream.

    • nativeSetup

      @Implementation protected static long nativeSetup(FileDescriptor fd, int format) throws IOException
      Generates and returns an internal id to track the FileOutputStream corresponding to individual MediaMuxer instances.
    • nativeAddTrack

      @Implementation protected static int nativeAddTrack(long nativeObject, String[] keys, Object[] values)
      Returns an incremented track id for the associated muxer.
    • nativeWriteSampleData

      @Implementation protected static void nativeWriteSampleData(long nativeObject, int trackIndex, ByteBuffer byteBuf, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
      Writes the given data to the FileOutputStream for the associated muxer.
    • nativeStop

      @Implementation protected static void nativeStop(long nativeObject)
      Closes the FileOutputStream for the associated muxer.