Interface UsesSdk

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UsesSdk
Represents the contents of a uses-sdk element in an Android manifest file.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the maximum Android SDK version that this package expects to be runnable on, as specified in the manifest.
    Returns the minimum Android SDK version that this package expects to be runnable on, as specified in the manifest.
    Returns the Android SDK version that this package prefers to be run on, as specified in the manifest.
  • Method Details

    • getMinSdkVersion

      int getMinSdkVersion()
      Returns the minimum Android SDK version that this package expects to be runnable on, as specified in the manifest.
      the minimum SDK version
    • getTargetSdkVersion

      int getTargetSdkVersion()
      Returns the Android SDK version that this package prefers to be run on, as specified in the manifest.

      Note that this value changes the behavior of some Android code (notably SharedPreferences) to emulate old bugs.

      the target SDK version
    • getMaxSdkVersion

      Integer getMaxSdkVersion()
      Returns the maximum Android SDK version that this package expects to be runnable on, as specified in the manifest.

      If no maximum version is specified, null may be returned.

      the maximum SDK version, or null