Class Reflector

  • public class Reflector
    extends Object
    Provides accessor objects for efficiently calling otherwise inaccessible (non-public) methods.

    This is orders of magnitude faster than using reflection directly.

    For example, to access a private method on some class Foo, declare an accessor interface:

     class Foo {
       private String getName() { ... }
     interface _Foo_ {
       String getName();
     reflector(_Foo_.class, new Foo()).getName();
    • Constructor Detail

      • Reflector

        public Reflector()
    • Method Detail

      • reflector

        public static <T> T reflector​(Class<T> iClass)
        Returns an object which provides accessors for invoking otherwise inaccessible static methods and fields.
        iClass - an interface with methods matching private methods on the target
      • reflector

        public static <T> T reflector​(Class<T> iClass,
                                      Object target)
        Returns an object which provides accessors for invoking otherwise inaccessible methods and fields.
        iClass - an interface with methods matching private methods on the target
        target - the target object