Class ShadowWifiRttManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShadowWifiRttManager

        public ShadowWifiRttManager()
    • Method Detail

      • startRanging

        protected void startRanging​(RangingRequest request,
                                    Executor executor,
                                    RangingResultCallback callback)
        If there are RangingResults set by the setRangeResults method of this shadow class, this method will call the onRangingResults method of the callback on the executor thread and pass the list of RangingResults. If there are no ranging results set, it will pass RangingResultCallback.STATUS_CODE_FAIL to the onRangingFailure method of the callback, also called on the executor thread.
      • isAvailable

        protected boolean isAvailable()
        Assumes the WifiRttManager is always available.
      • setRangeResults

        public void setRangeResults​(List<RangingResult> rangingResults)
        This method sets the RangingResults that are passed to the RangingResultCallback when the shadow startRanging method is called.