Class ShadowVMRuntime

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShadowVMRuntime

        public ShadowVMRuntime()
    • Method Detail

      • addressOf

        public long addressOf​(Object obj)
        Returns a unique identifier of the object instead of a 'native' address.
      • is64Bit

        protected boolean is64Bit()
        Returns whether the VM is running in 64-bit mode. Available in Android L+. Defaults to true.
      • setIs64Bit

        public static void setIs64Bit​(boolean is64Bit)
        Sets whether the VM is running in 64-bit mode.
      • getCurrentInstructionSet

        protected static String getCurrentInstructionSet()
        Returns the instruction set of the current runtime.
      • setCurrentInstructionSet

        public static void setCurrentInstructionSet​(@Nullable
                                                    String currentInstructionSet)
        Sets the instruction set of the current runtime.
      • reset

        public static void reset()