Class ShadowSettings

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShadowSettings

        public ShadowSettings()
    • Method Detail

      • setAirplaneMode

        public static void setAirplaneMode​(boolean isAirplaneMode)
        Sets the value of the Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON setting.
        isAirplaneMode - new status for airplane mode
      • setWifiOn

        public static void setWifiOn​(boolean isOn)
        Non-Android accessor that allows the value of the WIFI_ON setting to be set.
        isOn - new status for wifi mode
      • set24HourTimeFormat

        public static void set24HourTimeFormat​(boolean use24HourTimeFormat)
        Sets the value of the Settings.System.TIME_12_24 setting.
        use24HourTimeFormat - new status for the time setting
      • setCanDrawOverlays

        public static void setCanDrawOverlays​(boolean canDrawOverlays)
        Sets the value returned by canDrawOverlays(Context).
      • reset

        public static void reset()