Class ShadowAppIntegrityManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShadowAppIntegrityManager

        public ShadowAppIntegrityManager()
        Default shadow constructor that resets the recordedRuleSet.
    • Method Detail

      • updateRuleSet

        protected void updateRuleSet​(android.content.integrity.RuleSet updateRequest,
                                     IntentSender statusReceiver)
        Overrides the implementation of the updateRuleSet method so that a copy of the pushed rule set is kept within the shadow class.
      • getCurrentRuleSetVersion

        protected String getCurrentRuleSetVersion()
        Overrides the implementation of the getCurrentRuleSetVersion method to return the version stored in the recorded rule set. The method returns "None" if there is no such rule set available.
      • getCurrentRuleSetProvider

        protected String getCurrentRuleSetProvider()
        Overrides the implementation of the getCurrentRuleSetProvider method to return the gmscore package name for all the requests when a rule set exists.