Class MavenArtifactFetcher

  • public class MavenArtifactFetcher
    extends Object
    Class responsible for fetching artifacts from Maven. This uses a thread pool of size two in order to parallelize downloads. It uses the Sun JSSE provider for downloading due to its seamless integration with HTTPUrlConnection.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MavenArtifactFetcher

        public MavenArtifactFetcher​(String repositoryUrl,
                                    String repositoryUserName,
                                    String repositoryPassword,
                                    File localRepositoryDir,
                                    ExecutorService executorService)
    • Method Detail

      • createFetchToFileTask

        protected<Void> createFetchToFileTask​(URL remoteUrl,
                                                                                                 File tempFile)