Class ExpectedLogMessagesRule

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ExpectedLogMessagesRule
extends Object
implements org.junit.rules.TestRule
Allows tests to assert about the presence of log messages, and turns logged errors that are not explicitly expected into test failures.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • apply

      public org.junit.runners.model.Statement apply​(org.junit.runners.model.Statement base, org.junit.runner.Description description)
      Specified by:
      apply in interface org.junit.rules.TestRule
    • expectLogMessage

      public void expectLogMessage​(int level, String tag, String message)
      Adds an expected log statement. If this log is not printed during test execution, the test case will fail.

      This will also match any log statement which contain a throwable as well. For verifying the throwable, please see expectLogMessageWithThrowable(int, String, String, Throwable).

      Do not use this to suppress failures. Use this to test that expected error cases in your code cause log messages to be printed.

    • expectLogMessagePattern

      public void expectLogMessagePattern​(int level, String tag, Pattern messagePattern)
      Adds an expected log statement using a regular expression. If this log is not printed during test execution, the test case will fail. When possible, log output should be made determinstic and expectLogMessage(int, String, String) used instead.

      This will also match any log statement which contain a throwable as well. For verifying the throwable, please see expectLogMessageWithThrowable(int, String, String, Throwable).

      Do not use this to suppress failures. Use this to test that expected error cases in your code cause log messages to be printed.

    • expectLogMessageWithThrowable

      public void expectLogMessageWithThrowable​(int level, String tag, String message, Throwable throwable)
      Adds an expected log statement with extra check of Throwable. If this log is not printed during test execution, the test case will fail. Do not use this to suppress failures. Use this to test that expected error cases in your code cause log messages to be printed.
    • expectLogMessageWithThrowableMatcher

      public void expectLogMessageWithThrowableMatcher​(int level, String tag, String message, org.hamcrest.Matcher<Throwable> throwableMatcher)
      Adds an expected log statement with extra check of Matcher. If this log is not printed during test execution, the test case will fail. Do not use this to suppress failures. Use this to test that expected error cases in your code cause log messages to be printed.
    • expectErrorsForTag

      public void expectErrorsForTag​(String tag)
      Blanket suppress test failures due to errors from a tag. If this tag is not printed at Log.ERROR during test execution, the test case will fail (unless ignoreMissingLoggedTags(boolean) is used).

      Avoid using this method when possible. Prefer to assert on the presence of a specific message using expectLogMessage(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) in test cases that *intentionally* trigger an error.

    • ignoreMissingLoggedTags

      public void ignoreMissingLoggedTags​(boolean shouldIgnore)
      If set true, tests that call expectErrorsForTag(String) but do not log errors for the given tag will not fail. By default this is false.

      Avoid using this method when possible. Prefer tests that print (or do not print) log messages deterministically.