ClassDescriptionA global cache for ApkAssets (framework and app resources).The cache key for this cache.Stores a sparsely populated array.transliterated from type codes.Holds the shared library ID table.A unique id per object registry.Ref<T>Provides utilities to decode/encode a String packed in an arsc resource file.Type of
to encode / decode.Representation of a value in a resource, supplying type information.Header that appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource.Definition for a pool of strings.Reference to a string in a string pool.This structure defines a span of style information associated with a string in the pool.A single name/value mapping that is part of a complex resource entry.This is a reference to a unique entry (a ResTable_entry structure) in a resource table.Extended XML tree node for start tags -- includes attribute information.Extended XML tree node for element start/end nodes.XML tree header.Basic XML tree node.Convenience class for accessing data in a ResStringPool resource.Definition for a pool of strings.Describes a particular resource configuration.The different types of configs that can be present in aResTable_config
.SortedVector<T extends Comparable<T>>