AnimatedImageDrawableNatives |
Native methods for AnimatedImageDrawable JNI registration.
AnimatedVectorDrawableNatives |
Native methods for AnimatedVectorDrawable JNI registration.
BaseCanvasNatives |
Native methods for BaseCanvas JNI registration.
BaseRecordingCanvasNatives |
Native methods for BaseRecordingCanvas JNI registration.
BitmapFactoryNatives |
Native methods for BitmapFactory JNI registration.
BitmapNatives |
Native methods for Bitmap JNI registration.
BitmapShaderNatives |
Native methods for BitmapShader JNI registration.
BlendModeColorFilterNatives |
Native methods for BlendModeColorFilter JNI registration.
BlurMaskFilterNatives |
Native methods for BlurMaskFilter JNI registration.
CanvasNatives |
Native methods for Canvas JNI registration.
CanvasPropertyNatives |
Native methods for CanvasProperty JNI registration.
ColorFilterNatives |
Native methods for ColorFilter JNI registration.
ColorMatrixColorFilterNatives |
Native methods for ColorMatrixColorFilter JNI registration.
ColorNatives |
Native methods for Color JNI registration.
ColorSpaceRgbNatives |
Native methods for BitmapFactory JNI registration.
ComposePathEffectNatives |
Native methods for ComposePathEffect JNI registration.
ComposeShaderNatives |
Native methods for ComposeShader JNI registration.
CornerPathEffectNatives |
Native methods for CornerPathEffect JNI registration.
CursorWindowNatives |
Native methods for CursorWindow JNI registration.
DashPathEffectNatives |
Native methods for DashPathEffect JNI registration.
DefaultNativeRuntimeLoader |
Loads the Robolectric native runtime.
DiscretePathEffectNatives |
Native methods for DiscretePathEffect JNI registration.
EmbossMaskFilterNatives |
Native methods for EmbossMaskFilter JNI registration.
FontBuilderNatives |
Native methods for$Builder JNI registration.
FontFamilyBuilderNatives |
Native methods for$Builder JNI registration.
FontFamilyNatives |
Native methods for the deprecated JNI registration.
FontFileUtilNatives |
Native methods for JNI registration.
FontNatives |
Native methods for JNI registration.
FontsFontFamilyNatives |
Native methods for JNI registration.
HardwareRendererNatives |
Native methods for HardwareRenderer JNI registration.
HardwareRendererObserverNatives |
Native methods for ImageDecoder JNI registration.
ImageDecoderNatives |
InterpolatorNatives |
Native methods for Interpolator JNI registration.
LightingColorFilterNatives |
Native methods for LightingColorFilter JNI registration.
LinearGradientNatives |
Native methods for LinearGradient JNI registration.
LineBreakerNatives |
Native methods for LineBreaker JNI registration.
MaskFilterNatives |
Native methods for MaskFilter JNI registration.
MatrixNatives |
Native methods for Matrix JNI registration.
MeasuredTextBuilderNatives |
Native methods for MeasuredText.Builder JNI registration.
MeasuredTextNatives |
Native methods for MeasuredText JNI registration.
NativeAllocationRegistryNatives |
Native methods for NativeAllocationRegistry JNI registration.
NativeInterpolatorFactoryNatives |
Native methods for NativeInterpolatorFactory JNI registration.
NinePatchNatives |
Native methods for NinePatch JNI registration.
NIOAccess |
Analogue to libcore's NIOAccess,
which provides access to some internal methods and properties of Buffer .
PaintNatives |
Native methods for Paint JNI registration.
PathDashPathEffectNatives |
Native methods for PathDashPathEffect JNI registration.
PathEffectNatives |
Native methods for PathEffect JNI registration.
PathMeasureNatives |
Native methods for PathMeasure JNI registration.
PathNatives |
Native methods for Path JNI registration.
PathParserNatives |
Native methods for PathParser JNI registration.
PictureNatives |
Native methods for Picture JNI registration.
PorterDuffColorFilterNatives |
Native methods for PorterDuffColorFilter JNI registration.
PropertyValuesHolderNatives |
Native methods for PropertyValuesHolder JNI registration.
RadialGradientNatives |
Native methods for RadialGradient JNI registration.
RecordingCanvasNatives |
Native methods for RecordingCanvas JNI registration.
RegionIteratorNatives |
Native methods for RegionIterator JNI registration.
RegionNatives |
Native methods for Region JNI registration.
RenderEffectNatives |
Native methods for RenderEffect JNI registration.
RenderNodeAnimatorNatives |
Native methods for RenderNodeAnimator JNI registration.
RenderNodeNatives |
Native methods for RenderNode JNI registration.
RuntimeShaderNatives |
Native methods for RuntimeShader JNI registration.
ShaderNatives |
Native methods for Shader JNI registration.
SQLiteConnectionNatives |
Native methods for SQLiteConnection JNI registration.
SumPathEffectNatives |
Native methods for SumPathEffect JNI registration.
SurfaceNatives |
Native methods for Surface JNI registration.
SweepGradientNatives |
Native methods for SweepGradient JNI registration.
TableMaskFilterNatives |
Native methods for TableMaskFilter JNI registration.
TypefaceNatives |
Native methods for Typeface JNI registration.
VectorDrawableNatives |
Native methods for VectorDrawable JNI registration.
VirtualRefBasePtrNatives |
Native methods for VirtualRefBasePtr JNI registration.