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AndroidX Test

Robolectric is intended to be fully compatible with Android's official testing libraries since version 4.0. As such we encourage you to try these new APIs and provide feedback. At some point the Robolectric equivalents will be deprecated and removed. Using the AndroidX Test APIs reduces the cognitive load for you as a developer, with just one set of APIs to learn for the same Android concept, no matter if you are writing an Robolectric test or an instrumentation test. Furthermore it will make your tests more portable and compatible with our future plans.


It is now possible to use the AndroidX test runner in Robolectric tests. If you require a custom test runner currently, please check out the new configuration and plugin API and let us know if there are any extension points missing that you require.


public class SandwichTest {

AndroidX Test

public class SandwichTest {


Since most Android code is centric around the Context, getting hold of your application’s context is a typical task for most tests.


@Before fun setUp() {
  val app = RuntimeEnvironment.application as ExampleApplication

This can be directly replaced with ApplicationProvider. You may want to statically import it for readability.

AndroidX Test


@Before fun setUp() {
  val app = getApplicationContext<LocationTrackerApplication>()


Robolectric provided Robolectric.setupActivity() for the coarse-grained use case where you just require a launched activity in the resumed state and ready and visible for the user to interact with.

Robolectric also provided Robolectric.buildActivity() which returned an ActivityController that allowed the developer to step through the Activity lifecycle. This has proved problematic as it requires developers to fully understand valid lifecycle transitions and possible valid states. Using an Activity in an invalid state has undefined behavior and can cause compatibility issues when running on different Android test runtimes or when upgrading to newer versions of Robolectric.

ActivityScenario provides a replacement for both of these use cases, but places tighter restrictions around lifecycle transitions, namely that invalid or incomplete transitions are not possible. If you'd like a Rule-based equivalent please use ActivityScenarioRule instead.


import org.robolectric.Robolectric.buildActivity

class LocationTrackerActivityTest {
    @Test fun locationListenerShouldBeUnregisteredInCreatedState() {
        // GIVEN
        val controller = buildActivity<LocationTrackerActivity>().setup()

        // WHEN

        // THEN

Android X Test

import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle

class LocationTrackerActivityTest {
    @Test fun locationListenerShouldBeUnregisteredInCreatedState() {
        // GIVEN
        val scenario = launchActivity<LocationTrackerActivity>()

        // WHEN

        // THEN
        scenario.onActivity { activity ->

Note that in Robolectric since both the test and UI event loop ran on the same thread, synchronization was not an issue but ActivityScenario.onActivity provides a safe way for accessing the activity, should you need to, that will be guaranteed to be compatible with our future plans.


Robolectric has very limited APIs for View interaction; most often test writers could just use the Android SDK APIs such as Activity.findViewById() which was safe since Robolectric tests do not have to worry about synchronization between test and UI threads.

Espresso is the view matching and interaction library of choice for instrumentation tests. Since Robolectric 4.0, Espresso APIs are now supported in Robolectric tests.

import androidx.test.espresso.Espresso.onView

class AddContactActivityTest {

    @Test fun inputTextShouldBeRetainedAfterActivityRecreation() {
        // GIVEN
        val contactName = "Test User"
        val scenario = launchActivity<AddContactActivity>()

        // WHEN
        // Enter contact name
        // Destroy and recreate Activity

        // THEN
        // Check contact name was preserved.


Robolectric provides APIs such as SupportFragmentUtil and SupportFragmentController that offer coarse and fine grained control of the Fragments lifecycle, which required developers to have a full understanding of lifecycle transitions and valid final states, making it easy to shoot oneself in the foot for the same reasons as with Activities above.

AndroidX Test provides FragmentScenario, which offers APIs to safely create your fragment under test and drive it through valid transitions.

class FragmentTest {
    @Test fun testEventFragment() {
        val fragmentArgs = Bundle()
        val factory = MyFragmentFactory()
        val scenario = launchFragmentInContainer<MyFragment>(fragmentArgs, factory)
        onView(withId("Hello World!")))

Read more about testing Fragments here: